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You loved Bard with all your heart, but sadly, he had a wife. When he told you that they were expecting their first child, you were broke in the inside. You forced a smile ang mumble some few words " I'm sorry, I'll have to leave, I have things to do " and you left. When you arrived at your house, you cried all the tears you could cry. You went to sleep and dreamed of nothing, well at least, you didn't remembered what you dreamed of.

[Few months later]

Bard arrives at your house smiling. You fake a smile and say " What are you doing here ? " " I come to tell you a good new ". You look at him " What is it ? " " Jilia (Let's say it's Bard's wife name) gave birth to our child ". You fake a smile again and say " Is it a boy or a girl ? " " A boy, we named him Bain ". You look at Bard, still wih your fake smile on. " Are you alright ? " he asks you. You nods and Bard smiles " Do you want to come and see him ? " " Oh, hum , I don't want to distrub.. " you say trying to make Bard change idea because you were trying to avoid Bard's wife as most as possible because you were jealous of her " No no, you won't distrub I promise, Jilia will be happy to see you, and I'll always be happy for you to see you because you don't come often ". You sigh and put your coat on, following Bard to his house. You enter and saw Jilia holding baby Bain. He looked so much like Bard. You couldn't help but smile. Bard put a hand on your shoulder and smiles.

[Few years later]

Jilia died while giving bith to their third child Tilda. You couldn't help but feel sad. Even if you were jealous of her, Jilia was a good friend of yours.

You were alone with Bard, the childs were out at the market with one of Bard's friend Roan. Jilian died seven months ago and Bard was still under shock. You were helping him raising Tilda and you were helping him taking care of Bain and Sigrid. You were living with him since Jilia died, so you could be there for him everyday at everytime. " I can't believe she's gone (y/n), I can't believe it ! " he says crying. You took him in your arms and says " I know Bard, I know ". You put your hand on his hairs and plays with it. When he stops crying, he looked at you and say " Thank you for being there for me " You're welcome Bard, I'll always be here for you ". He smiles and went to sleep.

[Five months later]

Tilda was a year and two onths old. The children were still sleeping and you and Bard were awake " It might sound strange, but I have something to tell you " Bard says. " What do you have to tell me ? " " I love you ". You look at Bard and smiles, a real smile " I love you too Bard ". He smiles and kiss you " Will you be our new mommy ? " you heard Sigrid says. You felt bad " No no honey I won't.. " but you were cut by Bard " Yes love, she's your new mommy ". Sigrid smiles and went back to sleep.

[A year and eight months later]

Tilda was htree years old and you were pregnant of eight months and half with yours and Bard child. You were feeding Tilda when you felt your water broke. You were shock. You put Tilda in Sigrid's arm and screams your husband name " Bard ! " he arrives and when he saw your face he understood. He runs to your friend house, who was an healer and she was living at two house far from yours. When she arrives with her sister, she puts you on a bed and her sister took the childs to her house.

After seventeen long hours, you finally heard your baby cries. " It'a s boy ! " your friend says. You smile and after your baby was wash and arrange, you took him in your arms " How will we name him ? " Bard asks when your friend left o go search the others " How about Brad ? " Bard smiles and nod " I love this name ". You smile and Bard kisses you.

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