Y. Itadori - Late Nights

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(Normal life AU - College)

You consider yourself very lucky. Your friends from highschool stuck with you going into college, and for the last year, you guys have been living together in an apartment. If you were being honest, you thought this would crash down in flames considering Megumi and Nobara fought all the time. Surprisingly though, they sucked it up and managed to deal with each other.

They always said that the only reason they tried to get along was for your sake.

It was the end of your first semester of Sophomore year when Megumi came into your room to ask you a question. You were slumped over your desk, studying for your finals, only the lamp on the corner of your desk illuminating you.

"Hey Y/N, I have an important question." He asks. It's hard to tell what he's about to ask because of his deadpan voice, but you've grown used to it by now.

Without looking up from your work, you say, "Is it actually important, or are you just going to ask me if we can get a dog again?"

You can basically feel him frowning.

"No, it's not that. I still don't get why we can't though." He moves to sit down on your bed, "And are you actually listening?"

Swiveling around in your chair, you pull your legs up to sit cross legged, "Yes Megumi, I'm listening. Now hurry up or I won't make dinner tonight and leave it up to Nobara."

He shivers, eyes widening, "You wouldn't."

"I would. Now spill."

"Basically, I have a childhood friend who came into town recently and he's looking for a place to stay for a while, is it okay if he comes here?" He folds his hands on his lap, "I asked Nobara and she said it's okay."

"That's fine. Unless he's weird as fuck, I can't deal with another one." Turning back to your desk, you ask, "So what's his name?"

"Itadori Yuji."


By the next week, he was all moved in.

Not going to lie, you were a bit hesitant about this. He did show up with bright pink hair, yelling "Thank you for letting me stay!" with a huge smile.

This is Megumi's friend? Wow.

He didn't seem like a bad guy by any means, but both him and Nobara together seemed like a hassle.

You were proved wrong though. He cleaned up after himself, made dinner some days, and wasn't that loud (some of the time).

He even managed to lift your sour mood due to finals. You're still stressed obviously, but he made you believe in yourself more. Because of the boosted motivation, you now sit at your desk, dangerously late in the night.

You haven't eaten since dinner, and you were hungry. Staring at the clock, you decide to get up and make something small.

Rubbing your eyes, you quietly walk out to the kitchen, opening the pantry and pulling out various things. To be honest, you have no idea what you're grabbing, everything is fuzzy. As a jar that you knocked off the shelf takes it's journey to the floor, you realize that you fucked up. Big time.

It seems to fall slowly, and with your dazed mind, you don't even try to grab it. You just watch it descend, thinking, I'm a failure. Before it hits the ground however, a hand reaches out and grabs it, lifting it back onto the shelf.

Did that shit just float?

You turn your head to the side to see Itadori looking at you with his head tilted.

"Hey are you okay? I barely grabbed the jar in time, Fushiguro would kill me if I didn't." he wasn't whispering, which snapped you out of your tired gaze. Shushing him, you stick your head back in the pantry to find more things.

Still looking confused, Itadori looks at the things you already have out, and moves to take out bowls and measuring cups. Now it's your turn to look at him with confusion.

"I just thought that you'd want some company, I can make something with these."

You grin at him, shutting the pantry and jumping up onto the counter next to him. "Okay, cool," You say. "What do you have in mind?"

As he describes what he's making, you openly stare at his face. His hair looks so soft, his skin also. His eyes shine in the dim light of the kitchen, it makes you feel safe. You haven't known him that long but you were already really close to him, he just has that affect on people.

You watched as he moved around the small kitchen, periodically giving you little tasks to do. It was peaceful, cooking in the middle of the night.


"Itadori. You have- and when I say this I mean it. You have one second to run for you life." You were staring at him, egg pouring down the front of your face.

Absolutely horrified by your glare, he runs in the opposite direction, weaving around as you take off after him. He whisper shouts teasing phrases, sticking his tongue out to mock you.

Oh he doesn't know what he's in for.

Circling back to the kitchen, you snatch up an egg before running after him once again. After a short while, you corner him. Cackling, you take the egg and slam it into his face.

Oh god, his face is priceless.

You've never seen someone look so confused, lost, and betrayed all mixed in to one. You couldn't take it anymore, and bent at the waist, laughing your ass off.

He gazes at you, still in a state of shock. Now more shocked by how beautiful your laugh is then the egg on his face.

You stand back up, wiping the tears that came to your eyes.

"Y-your face man," You gasp for breath. "Oh my god I needed that."

"I feel like this is bullying."

"You did it first!"

"Okay yeah! But it was an accident." He was slowly advancing on you, and before you knew it he pounces, throwing you over his shoulder.

"Itadori what are you doing? How'd you even pick me up that easily?" Christ, does he want you to get sick.

"I workout."


He throws you down onto the couch, fake dusting off his hands, before preceeding back to the kitchen. Before you can follow him, there's a hand on your shoulder.

Slowly looking behind you, you see Nobara standing there, the most maniacal grin resting on her features.

"Y/N," She drawls, stretching out your name. "I really hope it wasn't you making all the noise because I really don't want to be charged with first degree murder today."

You anxiously smile back, working your mouth to try and think of an excuse.

Shit, you got nothing.

Before Nobara can literally snap your neck, you feel yourself getting hoisted over a shoulder the same way you had a couple minutes ago. You look down to see Itadori smiling at Nobara cheekily.

He makes a mad dash to his room, Nobara screeching behind him. Right before he closes the door behind you two, he takes an egg out of his pocket, slamming it onto her face before shutting the door and locking it.

It's quiet for a second, until enraged screaming is heard.

Itadori sets you back down, and wipes a bit of sweat off his forehead, "I wasn't expecting all this exercise so late at night." He says loudly, trying to speak over the screaming.

"Nobara, what the fuck are you doing?" You hear Fushiguro ask. Oh no, you were loud enough that he woke up?

You're going to need to get more eggs.

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