The First Day of Work

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   It was a bright sunny morning at the sheds. Everyone was awake and waiting for Sir Topham Hatt to assign their jobs. Even after yesterday's occurences, Maddy was excited to be assigned her first job on the railway. Question was, would she be paired with someone or sent on her own?

   STH finally arrived with a list of jobs for everyone to do. Henry was to pull a heavy goods train across the island. Gordon was to pull the Express, to which Maddy assumed, by his reaction, was his usual job. Edward was to show Thomas around the island, giving him simple jobs to do. That left James and Maddy.

"Am I to pull the local train again, sir?" James asked smugly. He loved pulling coaches around the island, so everyone could see how splendid he looked.

", James. You're to show Maddy around the yards, showing her the ropes of shunting."

   Based on James' reaction, she could assume that James didn't like anything to do with trucks. Somehow, she wasn't surprised.

"But sir-" he protested.

"No buts, James. Do as you are told."

   With that, STH left the two alone. James groaned. He didn't mind that he had to show her what to do, it's that he had to do it with TRUCKS.

"Well, come on Jamesy. We haven't got all day." Maddy grumbled, hopping onto his buffer beam.

   James didn't say anything, and chuffed toward the yards.

   They were both silent the entire way there. James wondered what she could do. He also wondered why he was called 'Jamesy'. Why she sits on his buffer beam, and not in his cab like she's supposed to. No matter, he's getting the job done.

"Alright little missy. Welcome to the yards, arguably the worst place to be." James grumbled as he looked around the messy, dirty yard. He didn't like this, not one bit. He told her where each truck needed to be shunted, where everything needed to go. He wasn't even sure she was listening.

"You got all that?" he said.


   She hopped off his buffer beam, taking off her hoodie and tying it around her waist. After that, and tying up her hair, she clicked her shoes together, revealing her little skates.

"If you need any help-" he began snootily, but was cut off. 

"I don't, James."

   James scoffed, annoyed by her own snootiness. She reminded James of himself. He watched as she approached a line of cars. To his surprise she pushed them into place just as he would. Guess Thomas wasn't kidding about the experimenting. He would never admit that it was impressive. James continued to just watch her in awe.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." she snapped.

"T- what?" James spluttered, embarrassed he got caught watching.

"Make yourself useful, Topham said you had to do this too."

   He quietly mocked her under his breath, shunting cars into their proper places for others to pick up later.

   They worked in silence for a while, until Maddy decided to make conversation.

"You have any other jobs you need to do? Because I sure as hell don't."

"I uh..have a line of trucks I need to take down to Maron. Why? You want to come along?"

"Why else would I be asking?"

"Fair enough."

"You seem to not like this type of work, what do you usually do, James?"

"I pull coaches, so everyone can see how splendid I look!"

   Maddy facepalmed. How was she not surprised.

"What about you?"

"I uh..prefer trucks. People don't like me that much. Because..y'know..human disaster."

"So you like to get dirty?"

"You don't?"

"No! What's wrong with you?!"

"I have a list. Wanna see?" she snickered.

"..Not really. You seem fine to me."


   Maddy had to pause and look away. She wasn't used to people being nice to her. Her face was also red, which she didn't want James making fun of. Soon enough though, they were both done.

"Alright, tiny. Hop on, I don't have all day."

"Hey, fuck you. Be patient with me." Maddy huffed, walking over to him.

  James couldn't help but smirk. When she got out of her shell, she was one hoot of a gal.

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz