Sparkle Sparkle, Time for Trouble

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   After waking up to the gold dust around her pillow, Maddy carefully collected what she could, putting it in a small glass jar. She didn't know what the dust could do, but she knew it was evidence that Lady had indeed visited her. One thing she did notice that it did was tickle her nostrils.


"Hmn..good morning Ho-"


   Wisps of the remaining gold dust she didn't collect swirled about, casting about shimmering works of art in the cool winter sun.  James watched in amazement as the dust settled, while Maddy scritched her nose.


"So she really did visit you, hmm..?" he spoke, stretched out his back and arms. "I mean, I believed you before when you told me in the middle of the night...but.."

"Yes, she visited, you bozo...why? Does she leave gold dust whenever she visits you guys?"

"Hell if I know. But that stuff looks magical to me, and it certainly wasn't there when we fell asleep. Or maybe Thomas got his grimy buffers on some glitter and-"

"It's not glitter, you idiot! If it was I'd never get it off the bed..! But...look at all this..." she whispered, holding up the small jar. She had collected quite a bit, though some still lay on the sheets.

"I wonder what it does.."

"I dunno...but hey, at least the others will believe me, and I have you as back up...even if you're not that believable.."

"Hey! I'm totally believable!"

"..Sure." Maddy giggled, setting the jar on the desk. She then waddled over to her dresser to get her clothes for the day. "And my favorite color is blue."

"Is it?!" James gasped. "You told me it was red!"

"James, oh my god." she snorted, struggling to put on her hoodie. "You're a total dumbass."

"Well, what is your favorite color?"


"....I knew that-"

"You did NOT-"

"Don't make me come over there-"

"I'll kick your ass-"

"Will you two keep it down?!" Gordon bellowed, "You'll wake everyone up!"

   The three heard their friends groan. Seems like it wasn't them who woke them up, but Gordon.

"Gordoooooon.." Percy whined.

"You big blue ass, my beauty sleep.." they heard Emily grumble. "What time is it.."

"Time to get up!"

"Oh, Maddy's awake."

"Fuck's that supposed to mean-"

"You're usually super grumpy.."

"Well fuuuuuck you too, Tommy. Kiss my ass. I'm not always grumpy!"

"...well, it's-"

"I'm going to stop you right there, Jimbo." she huffed, walking through Henry's berth. "Not another word out of you."

"'re not the boss of me you tiny, insolent child-"

"...I am 25-"

"You're a baby in engine years-"


"Purple?! Over my shiny red paintwork? You wouldn't DARE."

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