Under Lock and Key

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"What- What do you mean you can't find Travis?"

"I was just going to get us a couple cupcakes from the table and he was gone when I came back..!" Rosie sniffled. "You- You don't think Ten and that Boomer guy took him, do you..?"

"It.." Maddy pondered on it, thinking back on the story that Travis had told her. "It's a possibility. Motherf-"

"Hey, hey." James gently commanded, squeezing her arm. "Don't..freak out. Not now. We need to be rational about this..especially for my sake-"

"Travis has the potential to be in the claw of that maniac and you're going to tell me to be rational?"

"..Please? Out of all the days of the year, this is the one time I don't want you losing your shit, and I know you don't either."

   Glaring up at James, who only had a look of concern on his face, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and realized that he was probably right. Today of all days didn't need to be ruined by her unstable temper.

"Okay..uhm.." she spoke, still keeping her eyes closed, trying to visualize a plan. "We'll need to put out a search party or two..going in opposite directions. Travis is a big guy, he won't be hard to pick out of a crowd.."


"...I'm gathering a search party and we're starting to the west of Crovan's Gate. You gather another and go the other way."

"Are you sure you want to do that..? You're the one they're after. I want to keep you safe.."

"I can put up my own fight, James.." she sighed, taking the crown off her head. "I'm my own woman who needs to fight her own battles. I don't always need you or Nate coming around to save my ass. I'll be fine. Just go. Gather a few engines and get moving. We've got a Class 40 to find."

"..Only if you're sure." James confidently nodded, and gave her a kiss on the head before bolting to gather himself a search crew, with his wife doing the same.

   James' crew consisted of Thomas, Henry, Nate and Mavis. After being given instructions, the five engines headed off in the direction they were told, looking high and low for either a giant man or an even more giant Class 40.

"What would Ten and Boomer even want with Travis?" Mavis asked as she glided down the rails. "He hasn't done anything...has he?"

"Far as what Maddy's told me.." James began, "Travis and Ten used to work together, but she wouldn't tell me anything more. Says it isn't her place to say anything."

"Mm.." Henry replied. "I'm wondering if he was taken because of his association with Maddy. He is like a big brother to her, after all."

"If that's the case, then why hasn't he targeted the rest of us?" Thomas asked. "We've all got relations to her. If anyone was to be targeted, it would be James."

"Thanks, Thomas, makes me feel so much better about myself." he scoffed. "Really helps me sleep at night."

"I'm just saying..!"

"Say less, Thomas. I don't need that shit on my mind."


"Thomas." Henry sternly said. "Enough. James is right. He's got enough to think about already."

"Oi, less talking, more train finding." Nate interrupted. "Maddy gave us a task, and I'll be damned if I don't complete it."

"What's got you all fired up about this?" James asked. "You hardly know Travis outside of that prank we did."

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang