And She Says...

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   After only two weeks, Maddy was regretting giving James a phone. He discovered social media way too quickly, creating accounts to show himself off in all his splendor. Selfies, everywhere. She's caught him on more than one occasion, too. It wasn't all bad though, he'd sometimes ask to have her in the picture too. Why, she didn't really know, but it felt nice to be appreciated. Whenever she was riding along with him, she's hold it for him, and he'd ask to get a picture because the lighting looked nice. On the other hand, he wouldn't stop talking about his followings. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok. You name it, and the vain bastard had it. She wasn't sure how he learned so quickly, but she could only imagine that since it boosted his ego, he HAD to have it. Worst of all, he learned the slang of people Maddy's age. Everyone, even Maddy, hated it. 

"The humans love me! They say I'm lit as hell!" he remarked.


"James please for the love of all things magic, shut up-" Maddy whined. "Or I'll toss you in the scrapyard and then myself in a vat of slag."

"Hell no you're not yeeting me in the scrapyard!"

  Maddy just let out a grunt, leaning herself against Edward.

"You did this to yourself, dear.."

"It was a good idea in theory-"

"Clearly it's not."

"I see that now, Gordon."

"Will you ever learn?"

"Fuck off!"

"Yeah Big G, leave her be."

"James I will stop paying your phone bill if you don't stop that shit right this instant-"

  James gasped. Maddy did have that power and he knew she wasn't afraid to use it. He just pouted to himself.

"I thought you'd be proud of me for being up-to-date."

"I am! You just..use it around people my age, please?"

"Does that include you?"

"..Not too often."

"Yay, now can you come sit with me so I can take you to work?"

"Eddie's taking me today, you can last a day without your best friend, right?"

"Can Thomas survive without Percy?"


"Hey!" huffed the blue tank engine. "Can so!"

"Percy was at the works for a day once and you were worried sick!"

"He was hurt!"

"He was getting a new coat of paint, dipshit!"

  Thankfully, Percy had left early to take a small train of passengers, so he couldn't break up the argument. Gordon just left, not wanting to hear the bickering of the disaster duo + Thomas. Edward just chuckled to himself, looking at the girl.

"If you're done arguing with your boyfriend, can I take you to Wellsworth?"

"He's not my boyfriend!" she hissed. James just went red in the face, as red as his paintwork. Oh right, she hasn't answered him yet. Has she forgotten, or is this her way of saying no? He felt discouraged by that thought of that passive-aggressiveness. James didn't let it show through as he puffed away to attend to his duties.

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now