Can You Take the Heat?

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   It had only been a couple of hours since she and Thomas started helping Frankie around the building. Thomas didn't seem to mind too much, but Maddy was already bugged after fifteen minutes.

"Fuck me, I need..a break..." she panted. "This is unbearable..!"

"Oh, nonsense dear." Frankie piped up. "I'm sure you're fine! Move along!" 

"We really..should be getting home.."

"But you just got here! Please stay a bit longer!"

"...I..fine.." Maddy sighed. 

   Not too much longer after that conversation with Frankie, Maddy managed to sneak outside, heading for the nearest snowbank. She needed to cool off and she needed it now. It was so hot in that building that Maddy had to strip herself of her coat, scarf, and hoodie the moment she got to her snowbank. She didn't even want to know how the workmen who actually worked there survived. She was too hot to care.

"Sweet Lady..never thought I'd be glad to have snow in my way.." she groaned, flopping right down into the cool snow. The feeling of being cooled down was almost euphoric. Though, thanks to the heat of the building, the nearest snowbanks to her were too far of a distance for her. In reality, it wasn't really that far, but to her, it felt like she'd never get there alive.

"Aaaaah.." Maddy hummed, closing her eyes. The feeling didn't last long as Frankie honked her horn, nearly scaring the skates off Maddy.

"Maddy! What are you doing out here? Abandoning your duties, hm?"

"No, I-"

   She didn't get to finish her sentence as a few workmen picked her up out of the snow and pushed her back on the tracks.

"Hey! Don't touch me!"

"You can't leave, dear, there's too much to be done!" 


  Again, Frankie cut her off by pushing her back toward the building. This entire situation didn't sit right with Maddy. Something was wrong with this place. She had to get a moment alone with Thomas. It would be tough unless he was outside the building, as everything in the building was some sort of shade of red, thanks to the lighting.

   To the heavens above, it didn't take long to run into the blue squirt. She was pulling a single cart of slag, the heat already getting to her again when she rammed into the back of his slag cars.


"Tho..Thomas? That you?"

"Maddy! You sound exhausted! You're normally not this tuckered out.."

"There...There's something wrong with this place..we need to leave. Now.." Maddy wheezed out.

"But Frankie needs our help..."

"She wants our help PERMANENTLY, Thomas.."

"..I'm sorry?"

"I can''s holding us..hostage.." she groaned out.


"Shh..shh..quiet..she's coming, get your cars dumped and get back inside. There's gotta be a way to sneak out.."

   With a worried sigh, Thomas did as she said. Not too long after, Hurricane came back from his quest, immediately going back to work, doing his thing, and supervising their visitors. Seeing Hurricane only made Maddy angry, as they now had to escape the watchful eyes of two engines.

   When Thomas and Maddy finally ran out of things to do, they finally started to come up with a plan to escape, or rather, Thomas spat out ideas and Maddy made noise. It concerned Thomas a whole lot. She was usually so talkative, did something go wrong?

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