Unfortunate Circumstances

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   Fortunately, even after what happened the previous night, Maddy seemed to be fine, save for some skull-splitting headaches. 

"I think I'm gonna pass out."

"You sure you're safe to work?"

   Huffing, Maddy angrily pinched James on the cheek, and did not let go.

"OW! Maddy!"

"You ask that so often I wonder whether or not I should even have a job! I'm perfectly fi- Fu ck.." she groaned, letting go of his cheek to rub her temples. 

"My dear.." Edward hummed, sitting next to her. "Do you need some pain medication before we send you off..?"

"Edward, you dull knife, you can't be serious." James pouted.

"Hush. Do you have any- oh, who am I kidding, I know you do!" he chirped, happily standing up to grab her medicine and a drink to wash them down.


   Maddy then silently put a reminder on her phone to purchase a lock for her nightstand.

"Now which one's won't make you sleepy.."



"I'm going to have you stop looking through my things.."

"Well, I must take care of my daughter..!"

"I- I am a whole adult- Just- Gimme." Maddy blushed, holding out her hand for her medicine. After taking it, she stood up to peek out of Henry's berth.


"Don't catch on fire." a cheeky little tank engine spoke.

"I will personally come over there and scrape your number off."

"...I'm sorry."

"You just don't want to get your ass kicked." she scoffed. "Now I'm going to go down to the quarry and hang out with Toby."

"Shouldn't you wait for the-"

"I've already decided I don't care, Henry. Toodles!"

   With a curt wave, Maddy was off to terrorize the old crate. Not too long after though, the controller showed up, along with two people that none of them had seen before. For some odd reason, Sir Topham Hatt looked a tad bit uncomfortable.

"Ehm! Good morning everyone! I'm sure you've all slept well!"

"For the most part." Gordon hummed. "Sir, who are these people?"

"Oh! Ah.." STH stuttered, "They are Mr. and Mrs...uhm.."

"Lovesten." the man answered. "Charles Lovesten, and my wife Ophelia."

"O..kay?" Thomas chuffed. "Can we help you?"

   No one seemed to know why these two made them so uncomfortable. Then, Edward and James walked out of their berths to put a face to the voices they were hearing. Furrowing their brows, the husband and wife gave off an uncanny familiarity that neither of them liked. And yet, neither could put their finger down as to why.


"You feeling this too, Edward?" James whispered, nudging him in the side.

"Yeah...these two seem...highly familiar. Have we seen them before? Passing a station maybe?"

"I haven't."

"Well!" Mr. Lovesten cleared his throat. "We have come across some news that someone we know works here..with..you."

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