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"Shhh...Shh shh." he cooed. "Don't cry.."

   Maddy had been sobbing the entire way home, she was cold and wet and just wanted to fall into a hole and never get out. James didn't need to save her, yet he did. He couldn't explain himself, that would only make things worse. The least he could do was make her feel better.

"Go change, alright?"

"James the Red Engine, what did you do..?!" gasped Edward, once James pulled up to the turntable. "You're both soaking..!"

"I love how you assume this was my fault...even if it kind of was-"

"Again, I ask," huffed the old engine, "What. Did. You. Do."

"Look, before I explain, you can't get mad at me."

"Explain, then."

"I tracked her down, tried to explain, distracted her and she fell into the ocean."

"I need more details than that." Edward sighed.

"Later, now help me before the others come home and kill me."

  Edward just rolled his eyes and took her away.  The poor girl was stained with the stench of ocean and tears.

"Dear, you're freezing..why are you crying?"


  He took the silence as not wanting to talk about it. Edward just set her down and set out a fresh set of clothes for her.


"It's nothing, really.." the kindly man smiled.

"..Turn around?" she sniffled.


  Edward blushed, quickly turning around so she could strip and change.

"Is she okay..?"

'You ask silly questions, James."


  The vain ass swapped forms, walking over. He covered his eyes though, once he caught the tiniest glimpse of her changing. James didn't see anything important, you nasties.


"..Y-Yeah..?" she stammered. Guess James didn't learn about that.

"..I'm sorry.."

   He didn't get a response. James felt as terrible as he did the day he put her in the hospital. Oh, why couldn't he keep that kind act up? They got along so well, bickering and bitching at each other like the world was ending. Making faces, giving each other stupid nicknames, he missed it all!

"..I..I didn't know.."

"Save it, fire hydrant.." she spoke softly, turning around. "It still hurts.."

"And I understand that now..!"

"Do you really..? Just..give me a bit to process this..okay?"

"..Fine..but can I at least get a hug..?" he asked, tilting his head.

"..I suppose..come here.."

  James didn't waste a single moment in snaking his arms around the tiny girl in front of him. It was gentle, unlike Thomas' bone-crushing hugs he liked to give. She noticed he had a nice scent to him under the stench of seawater, like freshly cut grass in the springtime. It was comforting to her. Unfortunately, the silence was broken.

"..You stink."

"I fell in seawater."

"Go shower."

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora