Party Time

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   The date of the wedding was drawing nearer, and it was evident that the two that were going to get hitched were slowly getting more and more nervous. Even worse, Nathan put together a party for the two to celebrate. That neither approved of. He was already about to pay for it when he showed up unannounced with a new game for him to potentially beat Maddy's ass at.

"Hullooo! Bluebell? James? You two home?"

"YOU!" Maddy hissed, and promptly jumped on top of him, and immediately tried to strangle him. "WHY ON EARTH DID YOU PLAN A PARTY!?"

"It's just our fellow engines! And you deserve to be celebrated! Now quit- Trying- To choke me-" he gargled. "James, help a brother out-"

"Look, Nate." James came up, his feet right at Nate's head. "As much as I love a party that focuses on me, we're already nervous enough with the was this really necessary?"

"Totally. I even found a karaoke machine."

"What!?" she gasped. "None of us can sing!"

"That's not the point of the machine..but yes you can!" Nathan spoke, finally managing to get her off of him. "I've heard you. Both of you, actually."

"Wha- When?" Maddy frowned.

"Whenever I visit you and you're cleaning." he innocently smiled. "I can't bring myself to bother you, your voice is very..suave."

"..That checks out." James chuckled, ruffling her hair. "What about me, then?"

"You're always singing a tune. You sound like Frank Sinatra."

"I do?"

"You do." the shorter man nodded. "At first, I didn't even know it was you. Until I crested the hill and there you were." 

"Well, I don't mean to toot my own whistle-" he smugly said, and then received a knock to the back of the head.

"You're not going to be the new Frank Sinatra."

"C'mooon. I'm a jazzy guy. I'm Jazzy James!"

"You're a jazzy pain in my ass." she scoffed. "You're already so far up your ass. Don't get in any further."


"If you two lovebirds are done fighting like you usually do.." Nathan hummed. "Come by my shed. I'd like to give you two something."

"Oh, my Lady. Is it our wedding gifts?" she gasped, grasping her beloved's arm, shaking it. "Please tell me it is."

"It is." he nodded, stepping onto the rails. "Hop on. I'll give you two a ride." 

"Oh!" she squealed, immediately climbing onto his cab, laying right were she belonged. James, on the other hand, hesitated.

"You alright, Buzz?"

"..Ah..yeah. I just didn't think I'd have to ride another engine again."

"Just get on! I'm a smooth ride. Ain't I, Bluebell?"

"He's right, I regularly take naps up here." she hummed. "So get on, you wuss."

   After reluctantly joining his fiancée on top of Nathan's cab, he took the two to his shed, and was all too excited to show them their gifts. After stepping off, the two waited patiently while he rushed into his workshop, clinging and clanging on everything that he had in there, until he came out with two very differently sized boxed. They were...adequately wrapped.

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