Wild Goose Chase

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"Heeeere's James!" he puffed in later that same evening. "You would not BELIEVE what happened to me today!"

"Oh, what?" Thomas answered sarcastically. "Someone splatter mud on you?"

"Wha- No! Silly tank engine!" James huffed, backing into his berth. "I was just minding my business, tending to my duties, and my boiling starts aching! It was awful! I felt...unexplainably angry!"

"And..when did that happen?" Edward piped in.

"Early afternoon, why?"

   He just heard a snide giggle from the back from Maddy.

"Might've been my fault. Oopsie Daisy."

"Your fault.." he muttered, thinking to himself, then remembered the situation the duo were put into. "What did you do!?"

"Beat the shit out of someone." she casually said as she wrapped her knuckles in bandages.

"You can't just beat up citizens, Honey Bee..!"

"Not even that." she sneering, standing up and walking up to his front. "I was just walking out of the designers and Tanner approached me again. Said I only date you because no one else would date me."


"I had the same face, Jamesy." Maddy grumbled, leaning on his buffer. "He was pathetic. Handed his ass to him at the cost of my makeup getting ruined."


"They dolled me up! I wanted to show you! But he got me in the face a few times and ruined it."

"Oh, what..!?" he gasped, immediately switching over and cupping her face in his hands.

"James- Hands off the product-"

"Rat bastard.." he seethed. "I can see a black-eye coming in.  Anything else? Is that blood?!"

"JamJam- Quit it-" she grumbled as he meticulously looked her over. "We have discussed this, I am not made of glass! I could turn you on your ass! I did it to Emily...unintentionally, but still! Don't think you're safe!"

"But the race is getting closer..! You can't compete with a black eye..! You- Ow!"

   James stepped backward, swinging his hand around as he had made the mistake of bringing it to close to her mouth, and she bit him. 

"Serves you right, James."

"Shut up, Gordon."

"Enough!" Maddy commanded. "I fixed the problem. At least for now. I've learned that he works at a shop at Knapford, but if he knows better, he'll leave me alone whenever he sees me. I'm happy to knock some teeth out of him next time.."

"Just- Be careful, Bee.." James sighed. "You shouldn't get fired for my sake.."

"If the fat man fires me, I can assure you the island would be up in arms. I don't like people talking shit about me or my friends. Especially you, JamJam."

"You.." he chuckled softly, ruffling Maddy's hair. "Ridiculous.."

"You're all my family..! The only family I have..I have to protect you..!"

"My dear.." Edward smiled warmly. "You don't need to put your reputation on the line for us.."

"I will, though." she huffed. "You welcomed me with open arms. Treated me as if I was one of you instead of some horrific freak of nature. I am forever grateful for it. I'll do anything for you seven. I'll do anything for the engines and other vehicles on this island. Because I know you'll do the same for me."

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