Visits for Christmas

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   Bright and early on Christmas morning. Everyone was snoozing peacefully in their berths, except Maddy. She was sat up in bed, absolutely giddy about the holiday. She didn't care that she could awaken the James laying next to her. It was Christmas! The time of giving and spending time with family and friends. All she wanted to do was scream out Merry Christmas, but she knew it was way too early, even for her engine friends. Eventually, though, she couldn't take it.

"Jaaaames..Jam Jam..Buzzy Buuuuuttt..." she whispered, poking his cheek. "Get uuuuuuuup."

   James only groaned and rolled over, continuing to snore. Maddy frowned, then decided to take the opportunity to enact revenge for all the times he tackled her to the ground like it didn't hurt.

"..Be that way." Maddy huffed, standing up on her bed. With a tap of her elbow, she went right on down, impaling James in the gut. With a startled and painful gasp, he awoke struggling to breathe.

"Awake time!" she whispered loudly.

"What the heeeeelll?!" he whined, clutching his stomach. "It's too early..!"

"It's Christmas! Merry Christmas! Get up!" Maddy huffed, shaking him. "Present time! Now! Please!"

"You suck...go back to bed..It's 5:40.." James groaned.

"No. Presents. Sleep later."

"Maddy. Go to sleep."

"I refuse. Get dressed, Jam Jam."

"Where did that one come from..?"

"None of your business, Jam Jam. Get up."

   With a heavy sigh, James sat up, rubbing his eyes. Since it was winter, it was still plenty dark outside.

"The sun's not even out.."

"........yeah-? Who needs the sun."

"I do, it's freezing!"

"Will you two keep it down back there..?" Emily groaned. "Some of us need beauty sleep!"

"Is Christmas, Emily. No more sleep. Only Christmas."

"..Christmas is today?" Emily yawned.

"Yes! Merry Christmas!" Maddy giggled.

   Once Emily realized it was Christmas, her face lit up, but she was still plenty tired.

"Should I get everyone up..?"

"Just Thomas, he'll take it from there."

   Emily gave an approving hum and went to go wake Thomas. Gently patting his cheek, Emily carefully woke up Thomas, as to not give him a total fright.

"Five more minutes, Maddy..c'mon.." he spoke, cracking an eye open. Once he realized it was Emily, he went all red in the face, now wide awake.


"Merry Christmas. Maddy asked me to get you up."

"What time is it..?!"


"The sun isn't even out!"


"I hate you."

"I guess no present for Thomas."

"Wait- No- I'm sorry-"

"Wake everyone up and maybe I'll forgive you."

   Thomas pouted, but did as he was told. Everyone wanted to sleep, but when they heard that Maddy was up and going, they stayed up, as this was the first time she celebrated Christmas with them. They weren't as acquainted in the past, so this was a first.

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