Train-ing in Session

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   Maddy had eventually agreed that if she wanted to stay in one piece, she'd have to be trained to control the magic in her body. The problem was that no one knew any way to go about it.

"What are we supposed to do?" she questioned while she was brushing her hair. "Intentionally piss me off?"

"We can have Thomas do that."

"I am not your guinea pig, James!"

"Now now.." Edward started. "Maddy, do you feel anything in particular before you...well, how to put this...go nuts?"

"My head starts hurting like crazy about ten seconds before my memory goes blank.."

"Alright...we'll start there." he hummed, jotting something down in a small notebook.

"I've noticed that whenever it wears off," Thomas pointed out, "James is nearby. She's always staring at you."

"I do?"

"Yes, Honey Bee, you do. You stare right at me."

"So maybe James has an effect on her...interesting." Edward wrote. "Maybe the magic recognizes how important you are to each other. Now if only we can get you and your magic to act as one person.."


"Oh, dear." Edward chuckled. "You're a completely different entity whenever the magic shows up. Like a.."

"Rabid dog!" Percy happily peeped.

"I am?!" she gasped, clearly not happy with that assumption. "Seriously..!?"

"Unfortunately, yes, Maddy." Henry added. "You lose what makes you human...aside from physical looks."

"" she whimpered. "Well...hmm.."

"Who here knows how to fight?" Edward piped up. "I've got an idea."

   Gordon, James, and Emily were the only ones to raise their hands.


"Don't ask questions you don't want answers to, Mad." she spoke, giving her a wink.


"Of course I know how to fight. I'm the one who taught James to fight."

"Excellent. Now this little experiment will only work if one or more of you are willing to fight Maddy."

"I'll fight her." Emily and James spoke together.


"You know I love you, hon. This is for SCIENCE."

"Now what's your excuse, Jimbo?"

"I've always been curious to see who'd win in a physical fight." he snickered. "I've got no serious grudge against you, Bee. Promise.."

"Alright." Edward hummed, closing his notebook. "We'll need an open area to have this. Any ideas?"

"The beach at the coast! That way, Donald and Douglas can see me beat JamJam's ass into next Tuesday."

"You're awful high and mighty, sweetheart.." James hummed, ruffling the hair she had just finished brushing.

"Oi..!" she hissed, wracking his arm with said brush. "I just finished my hair!"

"What was that, a pinch?"


"James, save the taunting for the beach."


"I'm going to need you and Emily to taunt her as much as you can. The more, the better. It'll draw out her mania and we can go from there."

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