Chapter 64: FAULT

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The scene shows Dean, Týra, and
Kasumi running through Limbo as they were trying to keep up with the others and get their friends back from this new Grimm.

Týra: this thing's persistent.

Dean: yeah. And intelligent. I've met one Grimm that could speak, but it was a demon. This thing, however, is very different.

Kasumi: it might be a sign that they're evolving in someway.

Mimir: the lass isn't far off. When you think about it, Grimm are technically animals. As such, they can learn to adapt to a situation, and learn how to overcome it. Judging by the way this one behaves, it knows that as long as it has our friends, we can't land a direct hit without hurting them.

Dean: still, though, we're sending this thing to the pound!

They get closer, but we're soon confronted by the spliced Grimm they fought in Helheim. This surprised them, as it's been a long time since they saw them.

Kasumi: (angered) I knew it! His creations are here!

Týra: it's the Grimm that Doctor made.

Dean: I'm gonna be honest, I thought he was dead by now.

Kasumi: not yet, but I'll make sure of it!

Dean then noticed how Kasumi looked determined to kill Merlot, and made him wonder how personal this was to her. Anyways, they keep fighting, and we're getting closer to the hound. Dean enters Sin Devil Trigger, but it didn't feel right.

Dean's Thoughts: shit, it hasn't fully recovered yet. I don't have as much time as I thought in this form.

Kasumi: (shocked by the form) Dean? You're a demon?!

Dean SDT: long story, I'll tell later!

They pick up the pace, and after killing more monsters, they finally found the exit to the real world. However, right before they could catch the Hound, they were suddenly hit with an unexpected force. Gaining a clear view, they see it was Loptr.

Loptr: sorry, mates, but I'm afraid I can't have you interfere.

Dean SDT: fuck off!

Týra: (breaks the lock and grabs his neck) stay out of our way!

Loptr: (choking but smirks) wow, you're really strong. Probably the strongest god in existence. Anyways, your friends seem to be in a huge pickle right now. So, if you value the little dragon's life and Ozpin's new vessel, back off now, or I order the mutt to kill them.

They look down to see their friends were in trouble from more mutated enemies, and were heading to a cliff. The three then groan in annoyance, and went to them. Using the last of their energy, they killed off the Grimm, and managed to get their three friends before they fell. As they look up, they see the Hound flying to the whale with Oscar and Ember. In rage, Dean roars to the sky, punches a side of the cliff, and sent a huge chunk of it down to the bottom.

*V and N*

With the others, they chose to lay low at the Schnee Manor before they make their next move. Weiss knocks heavily on the front doors, and soon after, the double doors were opened by Whitley, who is shocked to see the group.

Whitley: oh, you've picked a fine time to show up!

Weiss: good to see you too, Whitley. (Enters with the others)

Whitley: things are already bad enough after what you did to father, now you want us to harbor fugitives too? Our family has a reputation.

Blake: that's what you're worried about? Your reputation?

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