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Picking up where we left off, the scene shows WBY and Jaune riding on Juniper with Ember flying beside them.

Jaune: I don't understand! Alyx, the Pleasers, now Ruby! What does this place want?

They arrive at a certain place. They dismount Juniper, looking at the waters of the destroyed village of the Paper Pleasers. Jaune stares at the Tree.

Jaune: I don't understand... What did I do wrong?

Weiss: We can figure this out. There's got to be a way to get to the Tree.

Mimir: We only know that it comes to us somehow. We've tried to get there before, but it never worked.

???: Hello there.

Jaune and Weiss turn to see a red star-shaped crystal Afteran carrying a basket of berries.

Red Genial Gem: You appear upset. Would you be so kind as to tell me how I can help? Perhaps you are hungry?

Jaune: (confused) Huh? (shaking his head) No, that's okay.

Red Genial Gem: If I can get you anything else, please don't hesitate to ask! That's what I'm here for!

Jaune: What? What are you?

Ember: Jaune, look.

They look over, and see more crystal people walking around, picking up the remains of the paper village.

Red Genial Gem: We are the Genial Gems, and we've arrived here to clean up this beautiful land and create something wonderful and pleasing.

They watch as they continue their work. Then the Genial Gems wade through the waters and place their hands on it, a glowing light appears. The stream flutters in the air and transforms into a crystal structure.

Ember: They're the Paper Pleasers. They came back, just like they said.

Mimir: That can only mean the Cat was right for once. When they died, they returned back to the Tree and were remade into newer and stronger forms.

Yang: Now no flood or fire will ever hurt them again.

Jaune: I'm trying so hard to save them... I stopped them from becoming what they needed to be. I was being selfish because I... I wanted the rush of rescuing someone and I got that here.

Weiss: I think you're asking too much of yourself. We've been telling ourselves that failing means we're no good. But I can guarantee even the best Huntsmen in history... Even Dean, Vali, Nikki, and Týra... they've all lost. But they were still incredibly brave... (smiles) and good.

Jaune: (tears up) Weiss...

Everyone then gets in a group hug as they enjoy the moment while reassuring their friend that it was okay. They soon break apart, and Jaune makes his choice.

Jaune: Maybe that Cat was right... Maybe I just needed to accept it. It's not a place you go.

The myriad of the multi-colored leaves from the Great Tree engulf everyone. They find themselves transported inside the Tree.

Blake: (looks around) What?

Weiss: It's a place you know.

They walk, passing the branches. Weiss pulls one branch off another and becomes shocked to see the Herbalist, now encased in wood. Yang walks forward between them, looking in both directions before noticing something.

Yang: R-Ruby?!

Yang: R-Ruby?!

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