Chapter 7: THE CHILD

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The scene picks up some time later. DVNT was walking through the land with the cradle floating by them. After they confirmed that the dragon baby was indeed their target, they needed to head off and return home. Unfortunately, the boar was ripped apart and dead, so they have a long walk to get back to the mountain. As they walked, they were assaulted by ddragur that aimed to attack the child. However, everyone showed no mercy and killed them all. At sunset, the team had set up camp where Dean was rocking the child to sleep. This shocked the others.

Nikki: didn't know you were the maternal type.

Dean: my cousins, Nero and Kyrie, run an orphanage in Fourtuna. They often get infants, so I often had to help out every now and then. I've learned a thing our two, since.

Karasu: I guess that means we know who's on diaper duty.

Dean: oh no. You idiots are helping with this. Everyone will work on taking care of Ember until we get back to Beacon.

Týra: Ember?

Dean: well we need to call her something.

Vali: Dean, you can't name her. When you name something, you become attached to it. And when that happens, she'll refuse to leave. Our mission's to get her back to Haven Academy.

Dean: I don't care. Until we get back, she sticks with us. Beside, look at this little face.

They see Ember's sleeping form, and couldn't deny that it was cute. Carefully, she was placed in the crib and they slept that night. The next day, they continued their walk until they arrived to Phineas' home.

Phineas: took you all long enough.

Týra: you don't sound surprise to see us.

Phineas: I expect nothing less from the grandsons of Sparda, the daughter of a witch, and a Faunus who holds an unusual power.

Later on, Ember was playing with Ravage with a ball as Phineas and DVNT observed.

Phineas: this is what was causing all the trouble?

Dean: we think it's a dragon Faunus.

Phineas: makes since. Back in the early days of Remnant, there were various unique Faunuses. They ranged from Phoenix, Griffins, Mermaids, and many more. However, because they were so valuable and rare, they were hunted and killed. I'd say that young one might be one of the last of her kind.

Mimir: if so, then that explains why someone took her to Jötunheim. Sometimes the best way to survive is isolation from predators who would stop at nothing to reach them.

Nikki: well, we won't let anything happen to her. We're heading back to the mountain top so we can get home.

Vali: there might be a problem.

Dean: why's that?

Vali: (looking at Yamato) the sword's energy feels off. I think the Bifrost energy from it's draining.

Phineas: (scans it with his robotic eye) you're right. It looks like Yamato's draining the Bifrost energy in it. The energy you all used to get here's depleting. Most likely because it hasn't been used in a long time,

Dean: so that means we're stuck here?!

Týra: did you knew about this, head?

Mimir: I almost forgot about that name. But no, I was sure the key had enough power to get us back. But, looks like the jump to Jötunheim took a massive toll on it. If we don't recharge it, we'll be stranded here.

Nikki: so, what now?

Phineas: there's some good news; there's enough to get you to Alfheim, the Realm of the Elves. There, you must go to the Light of Alfheim. It's the source that powers all light.

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