Chapter 68: DARK

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The scene shows Nora finally waking up. Her vision is blurred. She blinks a few more times before opening to see her arm covered in burn scars and a bed.

Klein: no need to worry, miss. You and your friend are going to be just fine.

Klein glances down with friendly brown eyes after adjusting some medical tubes. Nora's vision turns to the sound of a door being opened. Blake was opening the door as Vali and Dante were carrying Penny with the others following them.

Vali: she's badly damaged and is loosing green blood.

Klein: set her down, set her down.

They set her on the bed next to Nora, and begin checking the damage. The group except for Trish and Lady had their clothes stained in the green fluid that would be considered Penny's blood.

Karasu: if our friend's life wasn't at stake, I'd be lecturing all of you on how those stains ruin your symmetry.

Nikki: at least you're learning self-control for once.

Ruby: (to Klein) can you help her?

Klein scans Penny with his scroll, which locates an injury at her waist. His eyes are red as he assesses the damage.

Klein: even based on what you've told me, I hardly know what she is.

He coughs, and his eyes turn from red to brown.

Klein: ahem, but, her basic anatomy seems similar enough. I can at least stitch up that wound.

Vali: I can help get it started.

He then pulls out Agni and creates enough heat to help the process. Klein sees this, and begins working to get the injury patched. However, it was short lived. A thundery crash sounds from outside. Everyone present glances in that direction. The power suddenly goes out.

Whitley: oh, that's just rich.

Ruby takes out her ringing scroll. May's voice comes through.

May: everyone okay back there? Just saw another bombing run light up the kingdom.

Ruby: (glances out the window) looks like part of the city lost power. We're okay though.

May: sorry I couldn't stick around, but time's running out for everyone in the crater.

Ruby: no, we're sorry. Once we know what's wrong with Penny, we'll... we'll do something.

May: don't beat yourself up, kid. At this point I don't know how much is left to be done.

As May ends the call, Ruby starts to tear up.

Dante: what's the matter, kid?

Ruby: it's all just... too much. The Grimm, the crater, Nora, Penny... How do we fix all of it?

Weiss puts a reassuring hand on Ruby's shoulder as Klein sneezes, his eyes light blue.

Klein: one step at a time, my dear.

He sneezes again, his eyes returning to brown.

Klein: you can't worry about fixing everything. Simply focus on what's in front of you.

Lady: he's got a point. Start with one problem first, and work your way up.

Trish: for starters, let's see if we can get the power back up.

Ruby: well, how would we-

???: we have a generator near the edge of the estate.

Everyone turns around to see Willow leaning on a doorframe, a bottle of alcohol in hand. Whitley huffs, crossing his arms.

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