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The volume begins at a busy train station in Mistral is shown. People go about their business whether they be buying a train ticket, going shopping, eating food, and more. Holographic screens show different locations, amongst them are Argus, Wind Path, Kuchinashi, Shion, and Vale, the latter shown to be crossed out with an "Out of Service" message next to it. Qrow's voice can be heard narrating a letter he wrote to James Ironwood, detailing recent events.

Qrow's Voice: it's been two weeks since the attack on Haven. The official report states that the plot to destroy Mistral's CCT Tower was thwarted by Ghira Belladonna and the Faunus militia group from Menagerie. A Huntsman and some students coincidentally visiting the headmaster were also able to lend some assistance. Unfortunately, Leonardo Lionheart lost his life while trying to defend his school. And those responsible for organizing the attack managed to escape. As I'm sure you can guess, there's a lot more to this report than I'm willing to say in this letter. But for now, what I'm trying to say is that we're on our way to Atlas, James. There's a good chance we'll get there before this letter does, but in case we don't, I need you to know that we're bringing a lot more than bad news with us. See you soon, Qrow.

Qrow places the letter in a mail box. Suddenly, his niece runs by and bumps into him.

Qrow: hey, what's with the running?

Ruby: and what's with the standing? It's almost time!

Ruby sees the people chattering in the station lobby. She uses her Semblance to get something and fly through the gate. She then emerges smiling and humming, approaching the benches where her companions, minus Blake, are waiting.

Yang: and?

Ruby: (shows them a bag) ahh!

Weiss: what an absolute waste of time--

Yang: what did you get me?

Ruby: (singsong) you'll have to wait and see!

Yang: no fair!

Ruby: but, I got you this, Dean.

She walks over to him, and pulls out a necklace. It was a small red crystal in the shape of a star.

 It was a small red crystal in the shape of a star

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Dean: what's this?

Ruby: a new necklace. Since your old one's gone, I thought you'd like a new one. Plus, think of it as a reward for beating the Valkyries.

It was two weeks ago the events of that challenge happened. After dealing with the invasion, DVNT was challenged to go toe to toe with the new Valkyries. Needless to say, it was the most difficult challenge they've ever taken on.

(A/N: you don't have to read it, but if you're wondering what happened there, check out DVNT: Valhalla)

Dean: (smiles and accepts the necklace) thanks, sis. (Puts it on)

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