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The scene picks up where we left off. The team had met Jupiter, and was curious about his offer to them.

Dean: what exactly is this, problem?

Jupiter: as I'm sure you are aware, our world has more then just Grimm. We are also under the threat of demons, fallen angels, and many other mystical threats that threaten our world. We tend to keep this knowledge hidden from the student. But, you four, and even your friends have had a few encounters with them.

Vali: your point?

Jupiter: (pulls out his scroll) this particular threat, requires someone of your abilities.

Pressing a button, he creates a hologram of a display of the symbol for "Summer."

Jupiter: there's a certain individual that is of vital importance. We've sent multiple huntsmen to retrieve them, but they encountered multiple threats of the supernatural variety. To make matters worse, we haven't been able to gather much data on our person's whereabouts.

Nikki: why are you telling us this?

Týra: (puts it together) because he wants us to find them.

Jupiter: right you are, Ms. Jötum! I'm offering you four your first official mission as Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Ozpin: however, I interceded. This kind of mission is something that requires at least a three-year team, or huntsmen with more suitable capabilities.

Jupiter: but there's no other students like them. Their powers are more impressive and they're stronger then even a full-legged Huntsman. (Turns to them) I understand if none of you want to do this. But, just know, that this mission isn't just for the benefit of your training, but for the future of all life on Remnant.

Dean: all of Remnant? That's a bit extreme, don't you think?

Ozpin: (covers it) he just means that this kind of mission would help inspire other trainees. But still, a mission like this is a bit extreme for all of you to start with.

Jupiter: that's is why I will give you some time to think this over. But, I would like your official answer by the end of the week.

The four glance at each other, and they thought of the same thing.

Dean: can you provide some info on this mission to help us decide?

Later on, they were with CFVY in their dorm, trying to decide on whether or not to go.

Coco: so let me get this straight; a professor from Haven, who specializes in the Supernatural world, offered you guys a mission, that pros have had a hard time completing, and little information?

Dean: yep. Info says that the person is in someplace called Jotunheim, and that the path to it is filled with monsters.

Yatsuhashi: wait, Jotunheim? As in the realm of the giants from Norse mythology, Jotunheim?

Nikki: apparently. Which, that in of itself sounds phony.

Týra: Jotunheim is not a place to joke about, Nikki.

Nikki: c'mon, Týra. We're talking about the mythical homeland of the giants that was nearly destroyed by Odin and Thor.

Vali: until it was sealed off, along with the other nine realms, after the great battle of Ragnarok.

Fox: that's right. The great battle that destroyed everything and resulted in the new world being created after the destruction.

Nikki: it's a fairytale. To teach people not to repeat events like that. If a place like that really was real, don't you think it's odd people haven't found proof of it?

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