Chapter 127

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TW: mentions of weed, characters being high.

Holy shit-

We both sat down in our bed as techno played something on the tv for background noise. Techno sat up against the headboard as I laid my head down on his lap.

I spoke first "I wanna go swimming" techno laughed before speaking "y/n.... I hate to break this to you, but we don't have a pool" I just smiled as I looked down at my hands moving my finger, amused by them I spoke again. "No but we have a bathtub" techno thought about it for a couple minutes before speaking "so you wanna take a bath?"

I shook my head "no dumb ass I wanna go swimming" me and techno went back and forth for a while, long story short we're now sitting in the bathtub fully clothed...

Techno was sitting in front of me, we were both facing each other. We got to talking for a bit before I spoke "what do you prefer, finely shredded cheese or just normal shredded cheese?" Techno thought about it for a second before untimely saying "definitely finely shredded, its superior"

I didnt think about what I said before I said it. "Oh my fucking god just marry me" techno laughed for a second before splashing me and saying "I gonna dumb ass have you noticed that ring you wear everyday? Yeah that's called an engagement ring"

I decided to mess with techno for a minute. "Oh shit, this might be a bad time to say we're just friends then..." techno splashed me again but this time a lot harder, getting water all over me. I gasped before splashing him back. We went back and forth for a minute before eventually calming down.

Techno spoke "you wanna know what makes me mad" he paused for a second before continuing "why are male lady bugs called lady bugs..." I laughed before coming up with a half assed response. "Because women are superior and I think man bug or dude bug just sounds like a middle school SoundCloud rappers name." Techno nodded in agreement before we eventually got out of the bath and changed into our pajamas.

Now in bed laying opposite to how we were before, techno laid on my lap as I sat up against the headboard. Techno spoke. "What are we gonna do after we get married?"

I laughed "go on a honeymoon" techno scoffed "that's not what I meant, like what are gonna do as an officially married couple?"

I thought for a second, I guess I took to long to respond because techno spoke again. "Like are we gonna have kids? Maybe get a pet? What are you thinking?"

"I don't know... I mean kids seem fun I guess, but I swear to god of that thing starts screaming I'm gonna drop kick it-" techno interrupted "make sure it's self defense" I laughed at our stupidity before speaking again. "A pet could be cool but that means we can't travel without finding a pet sitter so that's annoying..." techno nodded.

"Yeah, maybe we could wait until after the baby to get a pet" I laughed "calm your dick, I said maybe to the kid" techno just laughed in response as I spoke again.

"How long we're you thinking until we start trying for a baby?" Techno smiled as he looked up at me to speak "I was thinking we wait until after our honeymoon maybe give it a month or two and then we get your birth control taken out. We won't exactly be trying for a baby but we won't not be trying y'know?"

I laughed "that's a bit soon don't you think?" Techno shook his head. "Not really, we're probably not gonna get married for another year or so then we add around three months for after our wedding before we start trying, then it's another 9 months before the baby comes and that if it works on the first try which it probably won't" I just nodded as I thought about it.

He's right, it would be around two years before the baby comes and that's if we're lucky enough to be able to have a baby... is that too soon?

Me and techno talked more about random stuff, including controversial things like 'is water wet' and 'is a hotdog a sand which' before we went silent for a bit, just sitting together. Out of no where techno decided to speak.

"You wanna know what I was thinking about the other day" I nodded "yeah go on." I said. "I was scrolling through Instagram and came across this one girl, she was really pretty so I started scrolling through her page"

I scoffed but techno didn't seem to notice. He better be careful with his next few words... he continued. "As I was scrolling I was just thinking about what it would be like to date her-" I immediately cut techno off by slapping his chest and standing up.

He realized what he said before quickly trying to save himself "no no no that's not what I meant- I just meant I didnt like the idea of dating her because I love you."

I quickly grabbed a bag from the closet as I spoke "but you thought she was pretty so you started looking though her Instagram? Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

Techno tried to walk up to me and grab my arm but I quickly pushed him off as I started shoving clothes into the backpack that I grabbed. "Well yeah I thought she was pretty but the point of the story is I didn't think she was as pretty as you, I saw her Instagram and it made me realize how happy I and with you, not her"

I didn't feel like arguing anymore I just finished packing my bad as techno spoke "where are you going?" I shrugged "anywhere but here"

Techno tried to speak but untimely just started stuttering "but- I- baby please-" I didn't answer him I just walked out of our bedroom, grabbed my keys and walked out the front door. Techno tried to follow slowly grabbing my shoulder to stop me when I abruptly turned around and yelled "don't fucking touch me- leave me alone, go be with that Instagram model or something"

Techno looked surprised at what I said before he spoke. "Y/n it's not that big of a deal, just calm down please." Maybe it's the fact that I'm high or that fact that this man just told me to 'calm down' but I wasn't in the mood for this.

I threw my bag into my car before turning to techno, taking off my engagement ring and handing it to him. He grabbed it looking shocked as he spoke "y/n-" I cut him off "give it to that instagram bitch"

Techno was too shocked to say anything, he just stood there with his hand out holding the ring as I got in the car and started driving...

As soon as I was out of sight from the house I burst out in tears. Maybe I'm over reacting about this, but you don't just go from telling someone you want to have kids with them to telling them you were drooling over some other girls Instagram account. It's just fucked up.

Techno started calling me and texting me, I ignored everyone of his messages. Instead I picked up my phone and called the only friend I have in California....


*call convo*

Hey Punz

Y/n it's like 2am what the fuck are you calling me for?

I- uh

-Punz cut me off-

Are you crying?

-I couldn't help but cry harder at that sentence-

What happened? Are you okay?

Can I come stay with you for a bit?

Yeah yeah of course, did something happen between you and techno?

-I couldn't bare to talk about this right now so I sniffled and replied with-

I'll tell you when I get there

Okay, I'll get the house ready. Do you want me to get movie night snacks from the store?

-I couldn't help but let a little laugh slip-

Yeah actually, that sounds great.

Okay I'll see you soon. Drive safe

Bye Punz


*end of call convo*

I'm high and crying.... I shouldn't be driving like this but oh well- there's no turning back now.

Let's hope for the best here...

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