102. Liberating Islington & Hackney

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Meanwhile in the borough of Islington & Hackney...

In Anon's grandparents' house, Erin is there helping out Anon's grandmother bake cookies while the grandfather is eating some homemade muffins. In the kitchen, Erin's wearing some gloves as she pulls out the tray of cookies.

Erin: "I got it, Mrs Grey!"

Nana: "Wonderful, right, place them on the counter, dear."

Erin nods and she places them on the side and she takes the gloves off and she checks her phone to see a text from Anon.

Nana: "Everything alright?"

Erin: "It's a text, from Edwin."

Nana: "Oh what's he doing?"

She reads the message and it happens to be urgent.

Anon <[Erin, Bagley just told me that it's time to liberate the 2 boroughs of Islington & Hackney. Once you're done, meet me at the graveyard entrance at the East side of Hackney, yeah?]

Erin then replies a text and she sends it.

<[Sure thing, see you there, babe.]

She then looks at Nana and she clears her throat, getting her attention.

Erin: "Mrs Grey, Edwin says that once I'm done here I need to go to meet him at the graveyard. He said that Islington & Hackney's going to get liberated."

Nana: "Oh? Go now actually. I'll finish up."

Erin: "Er...you sure?"

Nana: "Don't be silly I may look old but I can handle myself, dear. Go now."

Erin: "Sure then. See you later, Mrs Grey!"

She runs out the door and toward a car she took with her. She gets inside it and she starts its engines and she begins to drive it away from her house. She arrives at Hackney and she keeps driving down the road toward the Hackney graveyard. Upon arrival she sees doesn't see Anon. She gets out the car and grabs her own P9 pistol and cocks it.

Erin: "Ed? Edwin? Ed--


???: "ARGH!"

She looks in the graveyard and sees a Clan Kelley shotgunner's corpse fall onto the ground and she sees Anon there, holding his baton and he closes it and puts it in his pocket.

Anon: "Sorry about that, Erin. The graveyard's turned into a hideout for the Kelleys."

Erin: "It's alright. So, what do we do to liberate this place?"

Then, Bagley's on the line giving orders to both Erin & Anon and they both listen to what he has to say.

Bagley: "I've just recieved reports of a modified chase drone being developed here in the borough. Albion of course. Anywho, 5 Albion raid vehicles are here throughout the city and what you need to do is to get that bugger out there and blow 'em up!"

Anon: "Hm. Sounds like a blast. Pun intended."

Erin giggles and Anon chuckles softly at his own joke. It's not a good one in his opinion. The 2 head back to Erin's car with Anon taking the wheel and he drives it down the road to the location of the modified Chase Drone. As it turns out, the drone's at a small outdoor area known as the World Of Tomorrow. There, Anon parks the car outside the area and he and Erin get out and they enter the area to see a bar, dart boards and even 4 slot machines. Some people are drunk of course and Anon speaks to Bagley while Erin looks around.

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