Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is

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I held my breath. I was in shock really.
I hadn't expected to see it, put it that way.

It was something out of a book. Something I'd never seen before. Her face was scarred, her eyes red as if lacking a decades worth of sleep. It was obvious that the woman was old- ancient even. It was a wonder how long she'd been there.

But that wasn't the question that I was wondering at that moment. It was purely a case of, how did this woman know exactly who I was? And what did she want with my friends.
Well, Harry. The other old bat wasn't my concern.

"Who... Who are you?" I dared to ask, outstretching my wand in front of me and aiming it towards the woman. "How do you know who I am?"

"Patience child." She smiled and something inside me didn't quite trust the look, "All shall be revealed in a matter of time."
I spat, "You obviously don't know me at all because that's something I really don't have."

"IT'S TRUE!" Harry stupidly shouted from where he was pinned by something on the wall of the cave, "Especially nowadays!"
"Do you want me to save your ass or not Harry?" I growled, resisting the urge to laugh as his face went pale and his mouth zipping.

"So." I turned back to the woman, "Are we going to discuss the matter at hand or not?"
The woman walked towards me and it took every strength in me not to attack and to actually find out the information for once. I didn't even know if she was one of the bad guys or not but something about her innocent expression wasn't really filling me with confidence.

It appeared that she was thinking, placing her words carefully as to not reveal too much information.
"Hasn't Y/N Black ever wondered where she got her powers from?"

Now this was a complete turn from what I had expected.
"How do you know about those?"

"The chosen one was right." The woman seemed to be mumbling to herself, "Her patience is thin. Perhaps because of the children inside."
I placed a hand over my growing baby bump, I was hoping that Harry wouldn't have heard as I hadn't got around to telling him yet. We were going to surprise him after he had finished school. But of course, my luck wasn't great today.

I sighed, "HARRY! NOT THE TIME!"

"Oh right, sorry." His voice raised again, "BUT IF YOU LAY ONE HAND ON MY GODCHILD YOU OLD HAG I'M GONNA AVADA YOUR ASS!"
It appeared that Harry wasn't even concerned about being in front of the headmaster at this point, too busy thinking about his 'godchild' and making sure that neither myself or the baby got hurt.
Little did he know that there were two in there.

"Anyway, back to the powers thing. Yes, I did wonder where they came from but in the end I gave up." I shrugged, "If anything, I just thought of myself naturally gifted." I winked, though the woman before me didn't seem even the littlest bit amused.

"Then I'll tell you." She paused and I wondered if she was even going to carry on. Surely there had to be some sort of deal, she wouldn't tell me for anything. But this could work exactly in my favour and she wouldn't even be able to work it out.

"Go ahead." I sighed, rubbing my stomach protectively . It made me think back to Fred and how he was probably losing his mind at the very moment. He'd be frantic, running around like a headless chicken trying to find me as I told him that I wouldn't go anywhere.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now