| Chapter 26: Identity reveal |

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You and Harry turned a corner. He was walking you to Potions Classroom since you had detention after what you did back at the dueling club. As soon as the two of you turned the corner, both of you discovered Nearly Headless Nick, petrified with his head partially detached and floating in place. On the floor just a few feet away is Justin Finch-Fletchey, also petrified. Harry kneels down to examine his stiff body.

"Harry, dont—"

As he does so, Filch walks out of a doorway behind both of you.

"Caught in the act" The two of you turned around at the sound of his voice "I'll have you both out this time, Potters. Mark my words" He grins wickedly and walks away. You frowned at this sighing knowing you were both in trouble before you could even get to detention, you were already in trouble again

"I hate that old man" You spat

"Don't we all?" Harry asked you, walking to you.

"Might as well wait" You lean on the wall knowing running wasn't an option because you would be in more trouble.

"No, you go. I'll take this trouble"

"But, Harry—"

"No, buts. Go before you get into more trouble" He chuckled as you smiled walking up to him and hugging him.

"Best big brother"

You pulled away and he had a cocky smile

"Don't get use to it, James" You smirked rolling your eyes playfully. Grabbing the books, Harry held for you since the two of you pass by the library for research about the Chamber of Secrets. You ran off waving by with your other free hand.

Soon you got to the dungeons, walking up to the classroom and entering.

"Your late" Snape said in a monotone voice.

"Sorry" You said sitting down on one of the stools, placing the books you had gathered down the table.

"What is that?"

"Books" You answered simply

"Obviously, for what?" He said with a monotone voice like always while rolling his eyes. Not taking his eyes off the papers on his desk.


Snape looked up giving you glare. You felt that piercing gaze making you look up.


"Chamber of Secrets" You said like it was nothing when months ago. You were terrified after seeing that writing in the wall that was written in blood. Snape raised a brow at this staring at you.

"This might not be another silly adventure. You, Your brother, Granger and Weasley have planned"

"It is exactly like that" You smiled. Opening one of the books as you proceeded to read. It was silent as you and Snape did your own thing.

"Why did you take those fangs? You could have been bitten" Snape said placing his quill down as he looked up at you. You stopped reading looking up seeing that he was more then talkative today.

"Dad needed it for an experiment he had with Uncle Bruce" You said

"Ah, Mr. Stark" Snape said nodding to this. You raised a brow in confusion, staring at him.

"You know my Dad?" You asked surprised at this knowledge of this. No one in school knew your identity outside of the wizarding world like the Muggle born's. It surprised you that he knew and maybe even the other professors did as well.

"Yes, I do. Don't you ever wonder why you and Mr. Potter were separated?" He asked you raising a brow. You rested your chin on the palm of your hand. Your lips going into a thin line as you looked away and went thinking.

How come I have never thought of that?

"Not really but now that you said it, Professor. I do wonder about it now" You answered looking back at Snape.

"Do you know why?" You asked and this made him sigh. He didn't speak again as he focused back to what he was doing before he engage a conversation with you.

"Come on Professor! You must know something" You said leaning back a little away from the table, smirking at Snape.

"Why don't you tell your favorite student who you love giving detention?" You said teasingly but you didn't really think he will take it seriously as he sighed, looking up to you. Your eyes widen at this in surprised.

"Do you want to know or not?" He asked raising a brow. You nodded immediately waiting for his next words.

"I was the one who brought you away from the Dursleys" Snape said making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Your nose scrunching up as you crossed your arms.

"What do you mean, Professor?" You asked him, confused.

"I was bestfriends with your Mother, Lily" He continued. Your eyes widen more intrigued to the story then you were before. You waited for him patiently to continue. You saw the hurt, sadness and longing in his eyes. Now you know why he looks at you that way. It was because probably you looked like your Mother minus the red hair.

"You always looked like your Mother" He smiled sadly. Her death must have pained him the most.

Did Snape like my Mother?

"I love Lily more then a friend. When she died, I ran to your house to stop it, to prevent it but I was too late. She was dead, both of your parents were" He said and you saw that his eyed water a bit making you gulp at this new information.

He loves her...That must have been so painful

"I swore to myself to protect you and Harry but mostly you. That's why I took you somewhere else. I didn't want you to live with those people who despise who we are. I place you down a doorstep of someone but they didn't want you and settled you down an alley. I waited in the dark with you. Luckily, Mr. Stark found you" Snape explained

"Why?" You asked

"Because Y/n..." He paused for a second before continuing "Your Mother made your Godfather. I will look after you and protect you no matter what" He said dropping the bomb. Your eyes widen at this and your mouth was open agape.

"Yes, Y/n. I am your Godfather" He said smiling softly

"Is this why I always get detention?" You asked

"No, that's for your behavior. Which you got from your father and adapted from your adoptive father" Snape said back to his monotone voice. You scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Jeez, I feel love, Godfather" You said pouting earning a chuckle to escape from Snape's lips.

"You are dismiss" He nods to you as you gathered your things, smiling at him.

"Goodnight, Godfather" You smiled making him smile softly.

"Goodnight, Y/n"

You walked out the potions classroom walking up to the portrait.

"Pureblood" The password left your lips as it opened and you walked in. You had never expected that at all. Well, now you knew that someone in the wizarding world is your family. Someone who knew your Mother and Father. Someone who your Mother trusted. You were glad that it was Snape who was your Godfather and not anybody else.

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