| Chapter 138: Imperfectly Perfect Love 3 |

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"Draco, stop facing back and forth!" Lucius said irritated because Draco has been facing back and forth for 20 minutes now. Draco looked to his Fathers way.

"You are going to do fine" Tony waved his hand while staring at his phone making sure that everything is set for the wedding. Draco settled down on the chair, staring at the mirror in front of him. Making sure that he was handsome and hot for you to drool over.

A knock resounded on the door making Ron stand up, unlocking it and peeking his head out. Making sure that it wasnt you who was impatient to see Draco. Yes, you wanted to see Draco like 2 hours ago but the boys forbid you. Draco also went to visit you secretly but to bad for him because all the girls shooed him away like a dog. Ron looked at everyone. Theodore, Blaise and Harry making a shield to cover Draco who was peeking.

"Is it Y/n? Come on. Let us talk!" Draco whined out

"Its Mrs. Malfoy and my godson!" Ron singsongs opening the door to welcome in Mrs. Malfoy who was carrying the 2 year old Scorpius in her arms.

"Daddy and Scorpus aw handsammy!! (Daddy and Scorpius are handsome!!)" Scorpius singsongs, moving his legs. Signaling that he wanted to be put down. Narcissa did and Scorpius went running to Draco who crouches down. The young Malfoy tackled his Dad. Draco stood up with Scorpius in his arms.

"Yes, we are handsome because we?" Draco questioned

"Wook a wike!! (Look a like!!)" Scorpius giggled making Draco chuckle.

"Correct!" Draco praised making Scorpius clap his small hands together

"Daddy, Mommy miss you. Mommy is weing weld dack by aunts! (Daddy, Mommy miss you. Mommy is being held back by Aunties!)" Scorpius said pouting to Draco.

"I miss Mommy too. Tell them to make me see your Mom. Daddy is being held back by your mean uncles" Draco smirked to everyone.

"Hey, wait a second. You can't use a godson to get what you—" Ron was cut off by Scorpius pouting and making the cutest puppy eyes anyone has laid eyes on. Everyone cooed at the 2 year old Malfoy.

"Wet may Daddy swi may Mommy or Scorpy will we sab (Let my Daddy see my Mommy or Scorpy will be sad)" Scorpius said lips quivering. Draco was smirking in victory knowing he will get to see you— false alarm.

Because he got smack square on the back of the head by none other then his own mother, Narcissa Malfoy.

"I didnt raise you to use a child for your own liking, Draco Malfoy!" Narcissa said in a scolding tone.


"Women, am I right?" Ron said shivering

"What was that, Ronald Weasley?" Molly now stood there by the door. Hands on her hips, Rom shrinks in his seat. Hiding between Harry and Theodore.

Scorpius giggled "Scwadey cat Wancle Wonnie is Scorpus wavowite (Scradey cat Uncle Ronnie is Scorpius favorite)"

Everyone bursted out into laughter at what the 2 year old said "Wesselly bewazz of Mommy (Especially because of Mommy)" Scorpius added.

"You are the son of two Slytherins!" Draco said in joy, tossing Scorpius into the air then catching him. Draco repeated this while Scorpius giggled happily. Showing his two front upper and bottom teeth.

"Its time!" Tony said standing up.

Those words made Draco nervous as heck again. Scorpius notice cupping Draco's cheeks making the older look to his way.

"Bomp be nuvus. Mommy wuvs you (Don't be nervous. Mommy loves you)" Scorpius said eyebrows furrowed together.

"And I love your Mommy" Draco kissed Scorpius lips making the boy giggle.

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