Quite The Collection

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I can't remember how I got here, I feel weak, tired and like someone has beaten me to a pulp. There isn't anything Quidditch related nearby so it can't be a Quidditch injury. I lift my head, well I try anyway but it hurts too much so I fall back into my hospital bed to let the pain subside.

I've never felt like this before but it seems oddly familiar, like I experience it all the time. my mouth is dry, I've clearly slept with my mouth open probably snoring, loudly. I weakly lift my arm to the bedside table, hoping there is a glass of water there to cure my thirst. My fingers brush over the rim of a glass. I pick it up, the strength required draining me of energy but I skull the water down.

I rest the glass back on the table and rest my arm across my stomach. Pain searing through me the moment I put pressure there. Did I get in a fight with something in the Forest? Fang? A bunch of Slytheryns? Malfoy? I simply can't remember. I realise I'm hungry too and my stomach growls for sustenance.

"Madam Pompfrey?" I ask into the air around me, I heard footsteps but I can't see their owner.

"You have quite a collection..." My estimation had been confirmed.

"Collection of what?" I groan rolling on my side to watch her attend to some medicinal potion.


"I think they look cool but how'd I get here?"

"It was a full moon two nights ago and you've scratched your stomach quite severely, none the less I've healed it but yesterday you got an itch and split the wound, you were so pale of blood loss..."


"I didn't think you were so much like Remus Lupin the day I first met you in your third-year but you've proven me wrong..."

This sparked interest in me and I got up and propped my head up on my fist, "What do you mean?"

"He would always be so dreary a day after the full moon and would always be accidentally scratching old wounds, almost bleeding to death, completely oblivious to the pain..."

"How could he not feel it?" My arm is beginning to wain and the pain in my stomach is beginning to become unbearable.

"Always said we was used to it..."

I fell back on my back, pain releasing from my body, we really were so similar but I always thought I was... I don't know...

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