Smudged Ink

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Scarlet spent the days after her first kiss in silence and wouldn't let anyone in, of course except for the healers whom were tending to her eye.

"Maybe it mucked up her brains and she's trying to recover some of her memory." Jhuck guffawed and punched the stressed Charlie on his shoulder, jokingly of course.

"Nah she's probably trying to think of what she's gonna do in her life now, two Weasley's have got the hots for her. Only a matter of time before the rest fall for her!" Sunday laughed.

"Oi! Watch your tongue!" Charlie snapped, he was in a definite state of panic, stress and worry.


A couple of days before Scarlet had gotten two letters from Hazelnut. One from Fred and surprisingly George.

To Scarlet,

I'm sorry, I haven't done enough, I hope you are happy. I also want you to know that if you want to start over, I'm still here. I just hope this isn't because of Charlie... I still love you okay... But whatever you choose you have my support, whatever makes you happy... Kay?


Scarlet sat there, the letter in her hands, the ink beginning to smudge due to the down poor of her tears. Maybe the letter from George is to help cheer her up.

To Scarlet,

Heard you and Fred aren't an item anymore. Maybe we could be an item?


This couldn't have been George. George would not have written such a thing. How could he do that to his brother. And... George doesn't like Scarlet, in that way... As long as Scarlet remembered.

"Could he? No out of the question! I just finished things with Fred! And Charlie... Is it Charlie's fault, I ended things? Should I tell Fred about-"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Scarlet looked up and stuffed the smudged parchment under her pillow, she wiped her face dry as best she could, and waited for her 'intruder' to speak.

"Scarlet... Can I come in?"

It was Charlie.

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