The Lightning-Struck Tower

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Weeks had passed, and Draco and Scarlet had spent three more full moons together. They would see each other across from the Great Hall at breakfast, be in classes together and Scarlet would playfully bump into him in the corridors. Their cheeks always pink at the sight of each other. But they could never be near each other, and that hurt. 


Four Full Moons Ago

"Malfoy!" Scarlet spat from across the corridor.

Draco had just entered the Great Hall, it was the day after their first transformation together. Everyone looked around, Scarlet was storming up to him, a deep loathing in her eyes, and teeth bared growling. Once she was right up to him,she grabbed him by the tie and dragged him to the same unused classroom.

"What are you doing?!" He whispered and hissed at her.

"I said I'd take it to my grave, but now I think I should bite Granger. You two would make quite the couple." She smirked and made her way for the door.

But before she could leave he had grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. "Why can't we?" He smirked, and Scarlet failed to hide her blush.

"Because-" She punched him in the face, "everyone thinks we hate each other." And she walked out of the class.

Draco stood there rubbing his face, it stung but it felt good, and he wondered what had caused her this hatred. But then again she did say 'thinks we hate each other' and that could imply... He was getting his hopes up and he didn't have time for distractions when he had something more important to do.

When she ran back into the classroom, he was taken very aback.

"At least act like I beat you up, and sorry about the black eye."


Two Full Moons Ago

Draco had been attacked by a student and Scarlet knew who it was, the guilty look on his face. Harry had never meant to hurt anyone like that, and though he hated Draco he would never have done that. Yes, Scarlet was upset that Draco attempted to use the Cruciactus Curse, but she could not show what pained her most. He was hurt, scarred, no magic could heal a magic that dark, the marks would stay forever. Wasn't being a werewolf enough? Was it her fault he'd suffer now?

She longed to visit him in the Hospital Wing but Pansy guarded him like the dog, the bitch she was. Kept him all to herself, her toy. Honestly, Scarlet didn't know why she hadn't killed her earlier. Everyday she'd walk past the Hospital Wing, fighting back the urge to run in and hold him. But she too had a reputation to uphold, and she had a boyfriend!

Maybe she could ask Harry for his invisibility cloak, and she could see him late at night when no visitors were allowed in the Hospital Wing. No, he'd be asleep. Honestly there was almost no way she could go see him, unless she decided that her reputation meant nothing. She could injure herself, but then she wouldn't be able to hold him then, so that would defy the point. Maybe she could sacrifice her pride for just one moment.

Instead of going to the Great Hall for lunch Scarlet stormed off to the Hospital Wing, she was going to have to be very brave to risk her secret. Their secret. Though she did manage to find herself an excuse. In Dragons: Their Language and Ours, the book her father gave her she had found a small notebook of Merlin's himself. In it, it had a bunch of phrases that could heal dark wounds and other useful phrases, that ordinary magic couldn't fix. She'd just have to go over and hope Pansy wasn't there, if she was well... She'd need even more than her excuse.

Pushing open the Hospital Wing doors, she walked forward and wasn't surprised to see Parkinson at Draco's side, clutching his hands and pressing herself onto him. At the sound of the doors smashing into the wall, Pansy's glare found Scarlet. Calmly but ready, Scarlet made her way towards Draco's hospital bed. Though Pansy believed his feigned sleep, she did not.

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