On The Train

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On the Hogwarts Express, Scarlet sat in a her own compartment by herself, if someone asked to come in she'd bark at them.

Her right eye was now completely yellow compared to her left, chocolate brown eye.

She wouldn't even let Fred sit in the same compartment as her, and the first years were absolutely terrified of her. Not even her sweet tooth could lighten her mood, Scarlet knew this year would not be her year.

O.W.L's were this year too, and even though Scarlet wanted to get good grades she couldn't be bothered to study. However, she did practice some spells within her carriage on pieces of parchment.

"I'll probably pass transfiguration, I mean I can transform into a wolf..." She muttered, foraging through her bag for some more parchment.

She placed the parchment upon the seat opposite her and pointed her; oak wood, werewolf fur wand at it.

"Incastrus." She chanted, the wand suddenly spat out some ropes and wrapped themselves around the parchment and tightened.

"Relashio." The ropes untied themselves. She then aimed her wand at the parchment again.

"Wincaram Inflamare." The parchment burst into flames.

Testing her theory she placed her hand onto the parchment, however there was no burning sensation.

"Oh I'm so pro." She smiled.

They noise outside her compartment grew as people were racing back to their own compartments to get changed into their Hogwarts robes.

Reluctantly, Scarlet sat up and changed into her robes of Gryffindor. She sat back down and rummaged through her trunk.

"Aha!" She gasped, she had found the armour her mother gave her.

This was to be her lat magic trick of the day, she steadily held her wand out in front of her.

"Confringo!" She shouted, the flames hit the armour and bounced back, as a past minute reaction her Protego charm was not up to scratch and she burnt herself.

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