Just A Few More Days...

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The weather has been depressing and Scarlet can't go into the Gryffindor common room with out hearing:

Harry's rising suspicions that Draco is up to something. Probably snogging Hermione. Or Hermione criticising Harry's obsession with his potions book. It's just a book.

There's also the upcoming nerve of the Quidditch match. Gryffindor vs. Slytheryn. Not only are the two rival houses going against each other, it's the first match of the season and definitely Scarlet's last.

Just a few more days... Scarlet would constantly reassure herself this year only a few weeks in and its already getting rowdy. The match was getting closer and rumour was spreading that some Ernie McMillian a Hufflepuff was going to be commentating.


"And here comes the Gryffindor Team!" He shouted and the stadium burst into roars. "With newly appointed Harry Potter! The Chosen One! The boy who lived!"

"Ernie!" McGonagall scowled.

"And lets see what he's pulled together. Ginny Weasley! Katie Bell! And Scarlet Wolf! Are this years Chasers!" The crowed roared again but at Scarlet's name the volume in their cheers softened. "And the most anticipated role for the team playing as Keeper... Ron Weasley! Potter better hope that the Weasley's are gonna play could cause he can't just let his friends in!"

Just a few more days...



Scarlet happily flew around the pitch, her role was to be a 'support chaser', she had to fly around the pitch and at any sight of trouble for Ginny and Katie had to zoom in and help. However the real purpose she was there was so that if the quaffle fell she'd perform her signature move.

To her luck a bludger hit one of the Slytheryn's in the head and the quaffle dropped from his hand. Scarlet plummeted after it. Thank Merlin the quaffle was still on Slytheryn's side of the pitch. She caught the ball and then spiralled upwards, jumping off her broom to confuse the Keeper she threw the balls at the middle hoop and fell towards her also falling broom.

Just a few more days...

Apparently Scarlet scored because the stadium boomed with cheers, but Scarlet never managed to get her glory for she had crashed. Tumbling in a mess of her Quiditch robes, broom, her splayed limbs she skidded through the dirt. Her hair dishevelled and her head fuzzy she determinedly got back on her broom.


Gryffindor common room was exploding with cheers and party moods. As they lifted Ron to the middle of the room. He- if it weren't for Scarlet's crash- was man of the match. But the think that happened next happened so quickly.

Everyone was happy, then Lavender Brown wrapped her arms around Ron and pressed her lips against his, forcefully opening his mouth so her tongue could explore. Hermione's face faltered, then Ron began to 'explore' as well. She slunk out of the room unnoticed, unnoticed by all except Scarlet.

Just a few more days...

Scarlet ran up and grabbed Harry's wrist and dragged him out of the common room in pursuit of Hermione.

"Scarlet! What?"

He struggled against her tight grip. Scarlet stopped abruptly at the door Hermione had just gone through and pivoted on her heel.

"Aren't you going to comfort her? She's your friend for Merlin's sake!" She hissed.

Harry caught on quickly and walked into the room, Scarlet decided she'd wait outside.

Just a few more days...


Lavender came skipping giddily towards the room Harry and Hermione were in, pulling Ron along in her wake.

"What are you doing here? Wolfy!" Lavender cackled.

"Don't call me that!" Scarlet barked.

"Aww don't you like the name Wolfy? Wolfy!" She cackled again.

Scarlets temper had gotten to the point where she was finally sick of her shit. She had never liked Lavender Brown and never will. Her bones popping in transformation she glowered at her through wolf eyes. Lavender taken aback she dragged Ron in front of her- a human shield.

Just a few more days...

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