Room Of Requirement

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"Harry!" Scarlet burst through the painting that lead to the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Scarlet what is it?" Ron asked.

"Neville... Neville's found- found a place..." She huffed.

"Where? Take us there." Harry commanded.

"Follow..." And like that she was gone.

Hermione, Harry and Ron chased after Scarlet, but she was always a step in front, and at sometimes they were just following her hair.

Scarlet skidded to a halt in front of a wall on the seventh floor.

"Scarlet it's just a wall..." Hermione breathed.

"No it isn't wait..." Scarlet closed her eyes and slowly a door materialised in the wall in front of them.

She slowly pushed it open and there standing in the middle was Neville.

"Welcome to the Room Of Requirement!" He smiled as Scarlet shut the door behind them.

"Ouch!" Someone's foot was stopping the door from shutting.

Pushing it open from the outside the door revealed Fred, Ginny, and George.

"How'd you find us?" Scarlet barked.

"You really are quite loud my dear." George closed the door.

"Well sorry I don't do short distance!" She growled.

They all stopped to look around the room for a while until everyone had nodded in approval. They agreed their first meeting would be tomorrow night at 8 o'clock.


Scarlet had ran back to Gryffindor Tower after they had left the room and then ran all the way back. Carrying with her an ever so large pile of silver armour. Though it looked incredibly heavy it wasn't so.

She got to the door, thought "I need a room that is large enough to practice spells in...". The door materialised in front of her. She opened the door, threw the armour to the floor and ran back to the Common Room.

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