Full Moon's Howl

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Scarlet much preferred to travel with a broom rather than apparating. She had taken her exam before the others so that she could travel from Hogsmeade to Romainia. She felt sick in the stomach and decided she wouldn't go into The Three Broomsticks for a refreshment, however as she paused at the door to the pub she saw through the window a friendly face. She opened the door and placed her luggage on a small table and walked towards her father. She walked up behind him and hugged him around his shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" She laughed glad to see him.

"Take a seat and I'll tell you." He smiled and kissed her cheek, the way her father used to.

Scarlet took a seat opposite Remus and looked at him intently. Both of them were tired and exhausted, it was a full moon tonight. She ordered a butterbeer and then again looked at Remus, waiting for him to say something. He was looking at her with a look of concern on his face, his eyes not leaving hers he took a sip of his butterbeer.

"What happened to your eye?" He asked simply and leaned forward.

"What about it?" Scarlet shrugged her shoulders.

"Scarlet." He nodded his head to the side, and she knew she couldn't keep this from him.

"I was attacked by a Hungarian Horntail..." She said meekly and avoided his eyes.

"What!" He spat his drink out in shock.

Wiping her face with her sleeve she continued, "It was an accident, it was turning around and it's tail hit me..."

"Where else are you injured? You couldn't have made it out with just a wound to your face."

Scarlet rolled up her sleeve and revealed her injured arm. There was fresh skin that was torn, but mended with magic and pulled back over her arm. The skin was new and pink. Over this an almost spiderweb like pattern of skin grew over her the new skin and it was as black as night. It looked painful. All throughout her left arm there was large dints, (kinda like cup holders) from where the spines of the Horntail had punctured her. Remus gasped in shock.

"Hey, don't worry about me, it will heal I've got the potion, and plus for now it comes handy my own personal ink pot or quill holder or wand holder," she tried to laugh convincingly but it was hard with that look on his face, "Anyway you were gonna tell me why your here." She rolled her sleeve down and took another sip of her butterbeer.

"Scarlet..." Remus started.

"Fine if you don't want to tell me, I'll just leave." She grunted.

"Scarlet I'm going to tell you just please don't get defensive, I'm only worried about you." He leaned forward and his eyes spoke louder than his words.

"I'm sorry..." She mumbled weakly.

"Dumbledore sent me to try and converse with the werewolves, but I need a break there way of living, well they embrace being a werewolf, is hard and I need a break." He whispered.

"Oh okay..." Scarlet drank in his words.

"But I couldn't have picked a better time, they live underground, I've forgotten what the day it is." He sighed and pulled his hands through his hair.

Now that Scarlet had a better look at him, it looks almost as if he was fading. His hair was thinning and there was grey strands. His was pale and it looked as though it was difficult for him to breathe. The colour was fading from his skin and the scar on his face was more prominent. Looking at her reflection in the glass, she too looked like she was fading. Now that she had seen herself, she felt weaker, and her limbs felt heavy. It had to be the effects of the upcoming full moon.

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