Another Weasley

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Scarlet stood at the gate of Romania's Dragon Facility. According to the instructions Dumbledore had given her she was to wait at the gate until someone was to come and collect her. There was a loud crack and a tall red-headed figure appeared. He had messy long hair, freckles, sunburnt skin, various cuts, burns or bruises and was quite attractive.

"Another one!" Scarlet gasped in shock as realisation dawned over her.

"I'm guessing you've met my siblings then." He laughed and unlocked the gate.

"Not all them I guess." Scarlet laughed too.

"The name's Charlie, yours?" He offered to help carry Scarlets luggage.

She hadn't packed much. All she brought was a small bag with clothes on it, Hazelnut and another bag, but smaller filled with keepsakes and a few of her books on dragons.

"Scarlet, Scarlet Wolf." She smiled brightly and brushed off Charlie's offer.

"Wolf huh? Why's that?" He asked and grabbed Hazelnuts cage.

Scarlet dropped her bags and smiled. "Watch." She transformed quickly and walked in a circle around Charlie, "Where are we heading?" She growled as politely as her wolf vocal cords would let her and picked up her bag with her snout.

Charlie laughed and led the way to a bunch of wooden shacks. "You'll be staying in the," He turned dramatically, "Newbie Shack!" He laughed, and walked into the shack. He propped Hazelnut's cage on the bedside table and turned to help Scarlet with her things.

"You'd think," Scarlet transformed back into her normal form, "that if you were working with dragons you'd build houses not out of wood!" She laughed, and Charlie laughed too.

"Yeah you'd think." He replied brightly. "So what is it Dumbledore wants you to do?"

Scarlet reached into one of her bags and carefully pulled out a crumpled up piece of parchment, she quickly unfolded it and scanned it before reaching into her bag again and grabbed two of her books.

"Well?" Charlie said his impatience getting the better of him.

"Well... Do you have a Peruvian Vipertooth?"

"Plenty why?"

"I need to practice my speaking skills!" She laughed and walked out of the shack bumping into another worker.

"Sorry kid." The woman spoke.

"Oh Sunday meet Scarlet Wolf!" Charlie gestured to Scarlet.

"Wolf huh? Thought you looked familiar.

"How would you know me?" Scarlet barked.

"I knew your mum and yeh' dad!" Sunday laughed, "I'm Sunday Willows, one of your mums friends from school."

"Then I'm sure you're aware of the fact that she's dead..."

"Yes I am unfortunately... How's your dad?"

"Don't know he's dead too..."

"Oh! I'm sorry to hear..."

"Sunday, Scarlets here on Dumbledore's orders, says she needs to see some Vipertooths." Charlie interrupted the awkward silence that was growing.

"Yep! Follow me!" She smiled weakly and led Scarlet to another gate called "Peruvian Vioertooth Centre".

"Alright Wolf do your stuff!" Charlie smiled encouragingly.

"Hello anyone up for a chat?" Scarlet spoke in dragon cautiously and checked to make sure she was speaking dragon, confirmed by Charlie's and Sunday's shocked faces.

"Who are you? And how do you know the way of our tongue?" A roar issued out of nowhere.

"My name is Scarlet Wolf, I am no threat, and I've learnt the ways of your tongue from the personal notes of Merlin." Scarlet tried to remain confident as the head of a dragon appeared from behind a tree.

"Merlin is a name we know of, and we have sworn to him not to harm any who speak or tongue..." Another dragon appeared.

"Thank you, may I ask you a question?" Scarlet stepped forward feeling a little more confident.

"That depends on the question..." The dragons hissed in sync.

"Do all of you speak in the same tongue?" Scarlet asked politely.

"Yes, why do you seek such knowledge?" One of the dragons crawled forward.

"That is none of your concern." Scarlet snapped.

"Then know, we will not be so kind the next time you approach..." And they all slipped backwards and disappeared.

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