The Third Task

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"We have four teachers that will be walking around the outside of the maze. If any champion feels the need to leave the maze they are to send off red sparks in the air and a teacher will shortly come to you. We have also allowed Scarlet to stand at the edge of the maze, to follow the champions scent. She will alert us if someone has left the maze, or is in danger." Dumbledore boomed.

As the champions got ready to enter the maze Cornelius Fudge swiftly stepped over to Dumbledore.

"How is that girl going to alert us if the champions have left or are in danger if she's not in there?" He asked.

"Scarlet, come here please." Dumbledore ordered.

"Yes sir." She said brightly.

"Please show the Minister how you can locate the champions whereabouts and tell whether they are in danger." He smiled.

"I would have thought the Ministry already knows of my ability, but okay sir." Her eyes narrowed at Cornelius.

Scarlet was now a wolf and she was walking up to each champion and sniffing at their hands. She returned to Dumbledore and the Minister and sat at their feet.

"And how do you know when they are in utter danger?" He looked down at her.

"Their sweat makes the scent weaker and colder." She replied stiffly.


Scarlet howled as some red sparks appeared in the sky.

"Who is it?" Dumbledore asked.

"Fleur Delaclour has been stunned, unable to request help, Harry Potter has created sparks for her." She said.

Everyone in the crowd began to talk with those next to them. Not too long after Scarlet howled, Fleur appeared from the maze weak and dazed.


Scarlet howled again, and reported what she knew.

"Viktor Krum has been stunned by Harry Potter after Krum had attempted to use the Crucio Curse upon Cedric Diggory."

And again soon afterwards Viktor appeared from the maze and Ministry Officials assessed him and took him away.


This time when Scarlet howled she was running back and forth across the entrance to the maze.

"What is it Scarlet?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

She mumbled.

"Louder for everyone to hear." Dumbledore said again in his calm voice.

"Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter have left the maze," Everyone gasped, "and..."

"Go on..." Dumbledore reassured her.

"Their scent has disappeared, from- from... here. I d-don't know where they are..." She looked down.

"You trusted this student to tell you of every champions whereabouts and she can't even tell who where they have gone too." Fudge scolded.

"She could do a better job than you could get sense of smell is a thousand times better than yours." Dumbledore said stiffly and turned to Scarlet.

"Sir do I have permission to check around the maze? See if I can pick up their scent." She asked.

"Permission granted." Dumbledore smiled.

Scarlet ran off out of view from the crowd and was running along the edges of the maze.


Nearing the other end of the maze Scarlet was scolding herself.

"Should have told them to howl if they needed help." She mumbled. "I would have found them by now..." She reappeared into the stadium.

Running up to Dumbledore she panted, "Their scent is where it was when they disappeared, the centre of the maze..." She reported and collapsed at his feet.

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