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Scarlet walked through the forest and was quite surprised to see a girl in the forest.

"Aah hi?" Scarlet said in doubt.

"Oh hello!" The girl beamed brightly.

"Not trying to be rude but who are you?"

"I don't think it's rude to ask who someone is. My name is Luna, Luna Lovegood."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Scarlet!"

"So you're the one they're looking for..." Luna looked at her feet.

"Who's looking for me? And where are your shoes?"

"Oh don't worry about me, they'll come back eventually, but I believe it was Harry Potter and his friends that were looking for you..."

"Who was he with?!"

"Well I don't know them very well but there were three boys other than him and one girl. I think the girls name is Granger... Yes Hermione Granger."

"What about the boys?"

"Well they all had red hair, one was Ronald Weasley, and I think the other two were his brothers..."

"Nice to meet you Luna but I really have to go!"

"Okay nice to meet you."

"Yup!" Scarlet called over her shoulder.

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