Harry's Arrival

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Scarlet brushed past Harry with a simple nod on her way to the stairs. She hadn't talked to anyone all day. Not since Lupin had spoke with her.

"Since when was Scarlet coming here?" Harry asked Ron.

"She was here before us, Sirius says that she's here on Dumbledore's orders." He replied with a mouthful of food.

"And when did Hermione get here?" He asked looking across Ron.

"Two hours after Scarlet woke up..." He swallowed.

"I heard Ginny talking about Scarlet this morning, what happened?"

"No idea, says it was just a nightmare, but Lupin has said for us to keep an eye on her, especially her eyes..."


"Said something 'bout her right eye being two colours..." He stuffed his face with more food.

Miss Weasley came round to Harry for the fifteenth time today."Harry," She smiled, "could you do me a favour?" She asked smiling warmly.

"Ugh... Yeah sure, what do you want me to do?" He asked taking a sip of his water.

"Mum wants you to talk to Scarlet," Ron answered. "She's been asking everyone all day but Scarlet won't say anything to anyone, Ginny says she barked at her." He swallowed more food.

"That and could you take this up to her?" Miss Weasley said holding up a tray of food.

"Ugh, okay." Harry smiled and took the tray of Miss Weasley and walked up stairs.


The stairs creaked and Scarlet knew someone was coming up to talk to her. She grabbed her wand and aimed it at herself.

"Vomitare Viridis." She whispered.

The door swung open and to Scarlet's surprise it was Harry. They looked at each other for a split second and then Scarlet vomited. She cast the right spell, and it was doing the right job. Unfortunately, Scarlet didn't want to ignore Harry, she did want to talk to him.

"Oh are you okay?" Harry said shocked.

"Yes, just a spell I was practicing didn't want this to happen." She cleaned up her mess with a flick of the wand.

"Molly wanted me to bring this up to you..." He held out the tray.

"It's okay I'm not hungry..." Scarlet turned around.

Just as she was turning Harry noticed that the pupil of her right eye was three-quarters yellow.

"Scarlet your eye, what happened?" He dared to ask her.

She turned to face him in a flash and spoke very softly, "I don't know..." She grasped for her wand and pointed it at Harry.

"W-What are you doing?" Harry stammered.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you..." She said soothingly. "Just hold onto that tray tightly." She smiled.

"What?" Harry asked confused, but he did hold the tray tighter.

"Relashio Minimus" She chanted and Harry felt himself being pushed backwards, until he was out of the room.

The door shut in front him and he walked down the stairs generally shocked.

"How'd you do? Did she talk to you? Why didn't she eat her dinner? Are you okay Harry?" Ron questioned him.

"Said she wasn't hungry." Harry came back to his senses.

"So she talked to you?"

"Ugh yeah."

"What's she been doin' up there?"

"Practicing spells... I think..."

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