Hazelnut and Mr Weasley

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The door flew open and Harry strode up towards his room, without acknowledging Scarlet's greeting. The Weasley children then sulked into the building. Scarlet knew something was wrong but she knew that asking any of the Weasley's would be a delicate situation.

"Miss Weasley..." Scarlet began.

"Oh hello dear," She said trying to look bright, "When did you get here?"

"An hour ago with Lupin."

"I see..."

"Miss Weasley... Umm what's wrong?" Scarlet asked as politely as she could not trying to sound nosy.

"Oh, Arthur's in St Mugno's..." She looked down.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry to hear..."

"Oh it's okay, he'll be alright in good time." She looked up. "Now I don't think Sirius or Remus have made an attempt to feed you. It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon! I'll cook something up for you dear." She smiled.

Scarlet followed Miss Weasley into the kitchen.

"Oh dear, could you tell everyone I'm making everyone some food?" She smiled.

"Of course." Scarlet smiled weakly.

Well at least it won't be terribly awkward... Scarlet thought to herself.

Luckily all the Weasley's and Harry were in the one room, thinking it'd be only polite to knock she did so.

She knocked three times and muttering filled the room. A minute or two later the door opened revealing Fred.

"Your mums making everyone some food, she wants you all down stairs..." Scarlets feet were quite interesting.

She walked downstairs but instead of going into the dining room with everyone else she went into the room with the Black Family Tree.

"Who are you looking for?" Sirius joined her.

"You're not here. Care to explain?" Scarlet looked intrigued.

"There I am, mother blasted me off." He pointed at a burn mark on the tapestry.

"Would my dad be on this?"

"Was he pure-blood?"


"What's his name?"

"Drake Wolf, you knew that dummy!"

"Oh yeah I did..." He chuckled. "He wouldn't have been friends with Regulas, would he? Some Drake kid came over sometimes..."

"Must've been him, but he's probably burnt off too, marrying a half-blood..."

"Yeah probably, wouldn't blame him though you're mother was quite a good looking one." A reminiscent gleam in his eyes.

"Oh really? Sirius Black, found my mum pretty? Don't believe it!" Scarlet laughed.

"Yes but she didn't fall for my good looks, but she was extremely fond of a handsome dog called PadFoot."

"That's gross!"


Scarlet woke on Christmas morning not expecting anything. Christmas was never really her favourite time of the year.

Everyone was downstairs. Miss Weasley was giving everyone their gifts. Scarlet sat at the end of the table while everyone was near the front. Mr Weasley was back.

"Harry!" Everyone toasted, Scarlet did too but very softly, she didn't want to be heard.

Ever since her parents died Scarlet spent Christmas alone.

"Is that Scarlet?" Mr Weasley looked down the table and spotted her.

"Hmm?" Scarlet looked up.

"We met at the Quidditch World Cup, do you remember?"


"Come join us you look bored." He gestured her towards them.

"No I don't want to trespass on your family time..." She said softly.

"Scarlet what did you get?" Ginny asked politely.

"Oh nothing..." She mumbled.

"No you got something!" Sirius bounded in happily.

"From who?" Scarlet rolled her eyes.

"Remus and I got you something! You look exactly like your mother, hopefully you'll like the same things!"

"Alrighty let's see them." She said not so excitedly.

Sirius handed her two parcels. The first one was from Remus as it was wrapped a little more carefully. The other was from Sirius that looked as if he just finished wrapping it then.

Sirius made a card that was a spare piece of parchment folded over with an imprint of his paw and he had given her a magical cloak that changed colour depending on the time of day. "How'd you get this?"

"Ordered it Remus picked it up for me!" Sirius looked eager awaiting her approval of the gift.

"I love it!" She smiled hugging him.

Now opening the gift from Lupin.

It was a bottle of Butterbeer and a photo of her mum. Written in the card he also got her was;

In your room is another gift, I hope you like it. It doesn't seem to like me... Bit me a couple of times.


Scarlet got up and ran into her half of the room. She burst through the door and saw a handsome owl. It was a very nice brown, almost chocolate.

Scarlet was psyched. She bounced up and down for a bit and write on a piece of parchment.

Thank you so much for Hazelnut! He's very handsome, I love it! Merry Christmas! Next time I see you I'm giving you a hug. Oh and if Hazelnut bites let me know in your return letter, I told him to not too.


And coping Sirius' idea she imprinted her paw onto the parchment. She tied it to Hazelnut's leg and petted her.

"Take this to Remus and don't bite him!" She let him out the window and watched him fly out of sight.

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