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After they took the food, they immediately went to the guest room. Mew went inside first and Gulf closed the door after he came in.

The three are having a conversation and Mew was really not shock to see his sister's here.

"Did you already find a movie to watch?," Mew asked and sat on the floor near his friends. Ria and his sister's are on the bed, laying in their stomachs.

"We want to but Warren's face is kind of disturbing," Jason said and Warren just smack his head, earning a groan from the latter. "Then don't look at my face, idiot!,"

Gulf sighed and sat beside Mew. "Want me to call Nate?,"

Warren shook his head. "It's okay, I'll just ask him later,"

"No, let's just ask him now." Ria suggested.

"Yeah. So we will know immediately what happened so you will stop doing that face," Jason pointed at Warren's face. Warren sighed and just nodded. Gulf took his phone out of his pocket and called Nate.

After three rings, he answered. "Gulf?,"

"Where are you?," He asked in his firm voice. Mew just simply held the hem of Gulf's shirt.

"Work. Why?," He asked in confusion. "Do you need something?,"

"Yes." Gulf took a deep breath. That picture is still disturbing him. Nate know what that guy did to him and yet he still let him took a picture with him.

"About the picture you posted," Gulf asked and then he put it on a loud speaker. Jom and Alexia are confused but they didn't ask anything.

Mew hugged him sideways and Gulf was thankful because Mew is here. Mew's presence is making him calm.

Nate didn't answer but they heard some ruffling sound before he finally spoke. "G-Gulf.. please calm down if i tell you the truth okay?,"

Gulf's brows furrowed. "Why? Tell me what—,"

"I told you to calm down. After i tell you, please just stay where you are. Knowing you, you won't think twice and hunt that fucker down," Nate said. He know how his brother think and he know how protective he is to him. What he did to that bastard before was already enough and he also don't want his brother to get hurt too.

"Then tell us the truth now," this time it's Warren who spoke. Nate was shock to heard his voice. "W-Warren?,"

Warren took a deep breath and run his hand through his hair because of frustration. "Please Nate, tell us the truth."

Nate shook his head. I also know how this man's mind works. "Okay." He took a deep breath. "My account got hacked."

Gulf just took a deep breath. "That fucker hacked it right?,"

Nate nodded as if they would see it. "Yes, but it's already fixed. I also know how to fix it. I guess,"

"Give me your Facebook then." Warren said. "I know someone how to fix it."

"Okay," Nate said.

"But is he bothering you again?," Gulf asked this time. If he will just know that he was bothering by that fucker again, then he should start hiding.

"No. And that photo is like.. 4 years ago." Nate also added. Gulf heave a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay, good. Tell me if he's bothering you at some point."

"Gulf, just relax okay? I can handle myself. Just focus on your lover there will you? And tone down your protectiveness." Nate just chuckled after sometime. "I'll hang up now, i need to go back to work," He said.

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