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Morning came and here he is again, in the bathroom. Mew's vomiting mostly every morning, and it will drain all of his energy. Luckily, his husband is their to support his weight because he know he'll surely fall down, after vomiting.

Mew tiredly gargle some warm water that Gulf gave him. After that, he just let Gulf carry him and gently place him on the bed. Mew grunted as he caressed his baby bump. He's already three months pregnant but his bump looks bigger than the normal.

"Are you tired baby?," Gulf sat on the side of the bed, combing his hair. Mew nodded with a pout. Gulf let out a sigh as he place hus hand on his bump. "Looks like our baby is giving you a hard time,"

"Yeah," Mew groaned. "I'm tired to walk." Mew stated so Gulf stood up and planted him a kiss. "Wait here, I'll get out breakfast." Gulf said and was about to leave when Mew called him. "Yes baby?,"

"Make it quick," Mew requested. "Please?," Gulf smiled as he giggles. "Okay baby, I'll be quick." Gulf hurriedly planted a kiss on his forehead before he went out of the room to get their breakfast.

Gulf rushed downstairs and ready their breakfast. He move as fast as he could, because his baby gets impatient.

This pregnancy really change their lives but in a good way. Mew is getting very clingy everyday that he'll almost want him to just stay beside him as they cuddle til the day ends. And also, he's getting very emotional. Gulf will mostly get worried when Mew cried but when he know the reason, he was left dumbfounded. Because Mew would cry over a song, or even just a commercial that he doesn't even find sad. Because it's commercial about shampoo's and other stuff. He's sometimes being picky with his foods too. And his cravings.. ofcourse they're weird but Gulf just don't speak up about it because that last thing he want is his baby to cry.

But he can't help but to deny the fact that his baby is getting more beautiful everyday. Though this pregnancy is kind of making him chubby, but their is something in it because Mew.. is glowing.

After he finish preparing their breakfast, which is some fried rice, bacon and omelette. He also cook pancakes just incase that Mew won't like the first one he made. Once hw got upstairs, Mew happily clap his hands when he saw him.

"Daddy," Mew called him. Gulf placed the tray on the bedside table as he sat beside him. "What is it baby?," Mew wrapped his hand around his arms, looking at him cutely. "Would you still love me if i became a bread?,"

Gulf just stared at him for a moment. Trying to figure out what's happening, and why Mew asked that. "W-What kind of question is that baby?," He asked. The last time he answer without thinking thoroughly, his baby cried.

"Just answer," Mew whined. "Would you still love me if i became a bread?," Mew repeated again.

Gulf toon a deep breath. "I don't know what you're up too but, I'll still love you. Even if you became a donut," but he just sighed and inwardly face palm when his baby starts sobbing. "S-So.. y-you're saying that y-you want d-donut more, over b-bread?,"

Gulf sigh and tried to held his hand when Mew pry them away and turn his body on the other side. "Baby—,"

"No, you love donut over bread," Mew keeps sobbing. Gulf shut hus eyes closed as he clear his mind and carefully wrapped his arms around his baby's body. "Baby, I'm not saying that i love donut over bread—,"

"I already heard it." Mew cut him off. Gulf stood up and kneel infront of him with his one knee. He cupped his chubby cheeks and slightly pinch them making Mew whine. "Stop it!," Mew said, sulking. Gulf sighed and wipe his tears. "I love you baby," Gulf just said. He can't find a word to say or to explain about what happened, but all he know is he love him. "Really?," Mew asked, his eyes glistened. Gulf chuckled and pinch his cheeks again. "Yes, and you know that,"

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