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Decorations. Balloons. Foods. Cakes.

Gulf secured all of it for his baby. Mew is still sleeping upstairs. He was tired because of their intercourse last night. Mew's tummy turn 5 months a weeks back. Their baby is active most of the time and Mew always come with him to school everyday. But his baby would only sleep. Good thing he had a folding bed on his classroom so everytime they came to school before the class start, Gulf would arrange and ready it so Mew will be comfort especially that he just sleep all the time there.

The venue is only in the vacation house and they didn't invite that much visitor. All of them woke up at 4:30am to prepare everything and at 8:20am they immediately went there to set up everything that they need. Vince actually suggested to held Mew's birthday on their own resort but it will be a long drive as it's hours away.

Gulf manage to comeback before 10 and it's already 9:20am. Mew just woke up with no Gulf beside him.

Mew knows that Gulf is already downstairs because he don't have work today. He lazily woke up while caressing his tummy as he made his way to the bathroom to take a bath.

While taking a bath, he could help but to think what will going to happen this day. Today is his birthday and this is also might be the first time that he have Gulf to celebrate his birthday. Well, maybe Gulf is their in his birthday in the past but this is his first birthday with him as his hubby and the love of his life.

After taking a bath, Mew manage to put his shirt on, which is Gulf's by the way. Then Mew went downstairs only to find no one. The house seems empty and it's only him in here, aside from the maids. "Ma? Dad? Love?!,"

"I'm here baby!," he suddenly heard Gulf's voice on the kitchen. Mew smiled and walk towards the kitchen and he find Gulf eating pancakes. "Good morning baby,"

"Good morning," Mew replied. Once he got closer to him, Gulf gave him a kiss. "How's your sleep?,"

"Good, they're good boys," he giggled. "By the way daddy," Mew asked. Gulf stopped eating for a while and look at Mew. "Why baby? Wait, are you hungry? Do you want me to make you some pancakes too?,"

Mew nodded as he smiled cheekily. "Yes please," Gulf immediately move his ass to make Mew pancakes. Gulf just get that pancake powder. He only add right amount of water to it before he starts cooking. He saw Mew taking his pancake and he just let him. "So what is it baby?,"

"Hmmm?," Mew hummed.

Gulf smiled. "I thought you want to ask a question?,"

"Oh!," Realization hit Mew and he giggled. "Yeah, i was just wondering if you're also attending my birthday parties when were still kids?," He asked. Gulf saw him asking for chocolate syrup so he gave it to him first before answering. "Yeah, the last birthday of yours that i attended was your 3rd birthday, i was already 6 that time." Gulf told him. Mew hummed as he nodded. "Then.."

"Yes baby?," Gulf asked him. He already made three pancakes and he's now cooking another three.

"Do you remember something?," Mew asked. I know he remember my birthday.

"Something?? What something??," Gulf asked. He knows that he's putting his life at stake but in order for the plan to work, he have to do this.

Mew's smiled died down. "S-something... y-you know?? the day today??," Mew pouted. Please! Please tell me that you remember! Mew said in mind while secretly crossing his fingers under his chair. He saw Gulf thinking for a while, but when his eyes widened, Mew already know that he remember. "Right! I do remember!,"

"You do?!," Mew excitedly asked.

"Yes baby," Gulf smiled and caress his cheek. "I'm sorry for not waking you up early."

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