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Jisung kissed Minho everywhere on his face, not even letting him time to breath.

"You sure seem in a good mood" the older one giggled, enjoying his small pecks.

"It's just been so long...now we can finally move on and live our lives together" he kissed his lips, smiling through the whole kiss while their hands roamed each other's bodies.

"It has been amazing..."

"I've got a q-question I've been meaning to ask..." he gulped nervously, biting his lip slowly.

"Go ahead baby"

"Well it doesn't have to be now but...do you want to have kids...?"

"I...I don't know yet, I've thought about it a lot actually and I don't know if I'd be a good dad.." he frowned and Jisung kissed his lips delicately.

"You'd be an amazing dad...and if their is anyone I want to have a kid with it's you Min."

"You always make things look easy and simple when they aren't" Minho groaned, making jisung chuckled, playing with his hair.

"Because they are..." he cuddled onto his chest like a cat would.

Minho pulled away and smiled widely.

"Stay here, I've got a little surprise for you" he kissed his nose and got up from the bed, making Jisung smile even wider then he already was.

Minho walked to the bathroom and closed the door, he then grabbed a tile on the wall and pulled it out, leaving a little secret place for him to store things. He took a small box out of it and opened it, it was just how he remembered it.

He had bought this the night he went out, the night he lost his memory and he thought that now was the moment to give it to him. It was about time he made his move.

With high hope he grabbed the handle of the door but froze when he heard gunshots outside of their room. He dropped the little box and headed out of the room, looking at Jisung with à frightened face.

"Minho...what the hell is happening?" Jisung said completely terrified, so the older one ran to him and took him in his arms.

"It's going to be okay, we're okay" he held him close to his chest as he tried to think of what to do.

"What if I lose you?" He whispered, completely broken as the gunshots continued.

"Then you find me. I'm not letting anything get between us again...I'll do anything for you" he cupped his face and kissed him.

They then heard a faint noise coming from under their door, smoke coming out of it.

"I don't feel so good..." jisung cried out, holding onto Minho for dear life.

It was a smoke that made you go to sleep, their bodies slowly falling asleep.

"You're okay kitten...I'm right here" he held him close even though he knew this wouldn't last.

They both fell asleep in each other's arms, their heart shaped scars touching each other and a single tear falling from their eyes. They were now both knocked out when the door opened, revealing police in dark blue uniforms.

"Take him."

Some men went to pick up Jisung, pulling the two lovers apart.

"Sir, what do we do with the other one?" One of them asked, Jisung's father looking at Minho for a quick second.

"Take him. I'd like to have a...small talk with him" he simply said, grabbing both of them and exiting the house.


.a few minutes prior.

"My back hurts" seungmin complained, holding his hip in pain.

"Mine too" Felix whined, cuddling on changbin's chest.

All four of them were on the couch again, pretty proud of what they had just pulled off. It wasn't going to be easy with four people but they could make it work.

Chan and Jeongin were on the kitchen cuddling as well, the atmosphere in the air being the best it's ever been.

Everything was going so well.

It just couldn't last.

Their front door burst down loudly and they all turned their heads to see men with heavy guns walk in. Changbin pushed all three of them down from the couch, getting hit by a bullet in the shoulder and screaming out in pain.

"We have civilians!!" Chan yelled, but the a gas bomb was thrown at them and he immediately felt dizzy. He saw Jeongin fall on the ground and chan slowly did the same but hit his head on the counter while he fell, opening up his forehead badly.

Blood was spreading on the floor all over the place as they all slept, a couple of agents going around the house.

Jisung's dad arrived in front of a door where a dog was fighting to stay awake, showing his pointy teeth at him. He soon fell asleep as well, making it clear who he was protecting. They opened the door and saw two boys, one of them being his son, on the bed, crying and holding each other.

"Take him."


Jisung's eyes opened and he coughed up all the air in his lungs. He looked around and found his hands tied behind his chair, so he pulled on them and tried to get out.

"Get me out!!" He yelled and as soon as he did, a metal door opened and his dad came out.

"Dad get me out of here" he begged, thinking he was on his side.

"We took care of Minho...he won't bother you anymore" he said.

"What..?" He frowned, still pulling on his restraints.

"Don't worry, everything is taken care of, you'll be sent away to a hospital to treat you in a few minutes."

Jisung had tears in his eyes.

"Treat me for what?!"

"Stockholm syndrome, a sickness where the prisoner falls in love with their captor...it's truly tragic that this happened to you son"

"That's not what happened! This is a misunderstanding! Let me see him!" Jisung moved and screamed, he couldn't let that happen right in front of his eyes.



Minho had been awake for one hour in an interrogation room, going absolutely insane as he stared at the wall.

The door finally opened and a lady that he'd seen before came in.

She walked to him and slammed her fists against the table, making even Minho flinch.

"You're going to listen to me. I want you to promise me something." Natasha said with fire in her eyes.

He stayed quiet until she finished.

"I want you to promise me that you truly love him...that's all I need" she stared into his soul.

"I'm in love with your son..." he said in the most genuine way possible, she could tell by his eyes and the way his voice ached.

"What would you do for him?"

They looked at each other for a while, Minho seing that she had a key in her hand.



Fun fact #2

The dog Ben in this story is actually based on a dog a knew in real life. He was a German shepherd and died not long ago, it feel good to see him once again in this book and share his life with you all :)

skin and bones | minsungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt