🫀skin and flesh🫀

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.one week later.

"Chan Ive got everything ready to go, I've analyzed the guard's pattern and I even know all of the map by heart...let me go"

"It's too risky. You can't just go on a killing spree to save him Min, we have to think about this"

"But I'm telling you I'll be just fine! Me and Yeonjun will go like last time and bust him out of that horrible place...I need to see him again"

"And I understand that, but what then? His dad will chase you two like dogs, you can't just walk back in here and pretend like everything is fine"

"I won't...I've got another plan..."

"Oh?" Chan raised a brow and sat down next to him, worried. "Well tell me, what do you plan on doing once he's out of there?"

"I'll miss you Chan..."


Jisung and Soobin were in their cell, playing a game of chess like they always would.

"Checkmate." The blue haired one spoke, a devilish smile on his lips.

"This isn't fair, you always win!"

"That's because you're impulsive, you don't sit here and make strategies, you literally go with your emotions..."

"That's not true..."

"Jisung...the other day you killed my knight because you said he looked at you funny"

"Because he did!-"

The intercom did a buzzing sounds before a voice they both knew came through.

"Operation 'we're getting you the hell out of this shithole' is now a go, I repeat, we're getting you two out of there, pack your bags" Yeonjun announced, a big smile on their faces.

"Holy shit...we're getting out of here"

Jisung looked outside his window hopeful, smiling to himself.

"Minho...be careful"


Yeonjun packed their weapons on the back seat and got into the passager seat, buckling his belt and looking over at his friend with a hand on the wheel.

"So what's the plan?" He asked, the engine starting.

"It's a super complicated plan with multiple fail safes and above all it was developed over the course of multiple months of clear thinking-"

"You don't have a plan do you?"

"I made one on the walk to the car...point is, we've got everything under control." Minho smile at his friend and drove off.

"We don't have anything under control do we?"

"Absolutely not, we're going on pure luck and a baseball bat"

"Great, well it shouldn't be too bad right? How many guards are in there? Like 20?" He asked, hoping the answer was going to be even lower.

"I'd say about 100 at best...plus we can't kill them or that would be another problem"

"Isn't that great!" Yeonjun complained.

"Do you want to do this or not?!-"

They both froze when they heard a bark from the back seat, seing Ben wagging his tail.





The dog barked again, making them both sigh.

"Looks like he's coming with us..." Minho mumbled.

"Hope Ben has a plan cause you sure as hell don't..." the younger mumbled and Minho reached his hand to the back and grabbed a baseball bat.

"We'll call it a hit and run...I get in there with Ben and create a distraction at the same time as I take out some guards, you make sure they escape through the window. How's that for a plan?"

"Better then nothing."

"That's the spirit! Now hang onto something"

"Why-" Minho pressed on the gas and they sped through the city.


Jisung bit his nail harshly, some of them on the verge of bleeding. Soobin walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, catching his attention.

"Stop over thinking it, I'm sure it'll go just fine"

"I know but I can't help it, I mean what if one of them get hurt? W-What if you get hurt?"

"We'll figure it out, but right now you need to calm down..."

They both signed and their attention was drawn to the window when a small tapping was heard. It's then that they heard a laughter and a lot of noise coming from outside or their room down in the hall, they didn't know where to look, but Yeonjun soon signalled them to step back from the window. They did and he started to hit it repeatedly, the metal bars bending more and more until they could form a hole to crawl through.

Minho suddenly opened the door covered in blood and Jisung smiled widely.

"Minho!" He laughed and threw himself in his arms, both of them enjoying the warmth in the hug.

"I didn't mean to be covered in blood when we reunited, hope you don't mind"

"You look really hot like that" he pulled him into a kiss and grabbed him by the neck, Minho smiling into the kiss.

"Guys I don't want to ruin your moment, but we've got to go" Yeonjun yelled, a hole now into the wall. They all started to held each other crawl through it and after only a few minutes they were all out of it.

"Ben! Come here boy!" The dog came running with a leg in his mouth, his tail wagging back and forth.

"Drop it, you know we don't take those"

The dog dropped it and followed his owner to the car where everyone practically threw themselves at, closing the doors.

"I recommend seatbelts when Minho is driving" Yeonjun told his boyfriend who gladly put it on in the back seat. It's then that the two of them kissed and tears fell down their faces.

"I missed you so much baby..." they held each other close, like if they wouldn't let go.

Minho started to drive and kept a hand on Jisung thigh for a while, feeling so much security from all of this.

"Thank you so much...truly, I owe you my life" Soobin told them, but Minho just shook his head.

"Don't worry, you don't owe me anything, I'm just glad you're all safe, now you guys should get some sleep, we've got a long road ahead of us"

"Isn't it only one hour away?"

Minho stayed silent, only the rain drops hitting the windshield could be heard.

"Minho...we're going back to the house with everyone right?"

The older one tightened his grip on his leg and kept looking in front of him, a saddened expression on his face.

"We're not going home..."

skin and bones | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now