🫀messed up🫀

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Did any of you watch game of thrones? If yes tell me your favorite character, I'm rewatching it ☺️

If you did watch it tell me your favorite skz album?


Jisung moved in his sleep, he was agitated and Minho noticed. It was morning but they had slept in, allowing a day off work to relax their bodies after what they had done the previous day.

A small whimper came from his throat quickly, like an attempt to get help even though he was sleeping. Jisung curled up on himself and cried, so Minho tried to touch him but immediately got hit before he could do anything.

Jisung woke up crying and looked at Minho's face, his nails had gone so fast past his skin that it opened the side of his cheek, he was bleeding.

"I-I'm so sorry Min-"

"It's alright jisung don't worry" he held a hand over it not to worry jisung too much even if he felt the blood drip down his cheek.

"I'll clean it, I'm so sorry oh my god" he got up quickly even if his body was still shacking.

"Nightmare?" Minho got up as well and followed him to the kitchen.

"Yeah something like that..." Jisung answered and grabbed some tissus and started dabbing the marks on his cheek gently.

"Changbin please I'm sorry" Hyunjin ran after him, the older one looking completely and utterly mad, pissed off even.

"I dont want to hear it." He put his shoes on quickly and threw a jacket over his body.

Minho watched carefully the situation, their body movements, they were anxious, mostly Hyunjin. Changbin was furious.

"Are we not enough for you?! Is that it?!" He screamed this time and Hyunjin sort of jumped, his fingers curling into his palm.

"No I just...it won't happen again I promise..."

"Next time you screw someone else, why don't you go and date them instead?" He spat out and Hyunjin started crying.

"I didn't think okay? Changbin I love you...I really do..."

"Then why do you keep hurting me? First, you fuck Felix for months behind my back. He hesitated between you and me, then you bring seungmin in, which I'm fine with, but did you even think for one second before screwing him?! And that random guy, is he going to join too?!" He pushed him against the wall and Minho got up quickly, getting between them.

"Enough." He looked at the two of them, both breathing heavily.

"You're right...I've had enough..." Changbin muttered.

Felix ran in the room and soon came seungmin, both of them holding hands gently.

"What's happening?" The blond one looked at all of them and Minho stepped aside.

"Hyunjin slept with a random guy...yet again"

Hyunjin stood there ashamed, crying even more now that seungmin and Felix were looking at him.

"I'm sorry..." he muttered and hid his face in his hands.

"Changbin let's all calm down, I'm sure their is an explanation..."

"He fucked a guy. He didn't tell us. What else is there to say...?" He replied quickly again, snappy.

"I love you all so much I just...I was drunk..."

Seungmin walked to him and patted Hyunjin on the back while Felix went calmly towards Changbin.

"Don't speak to me about love." Changbin said harshly.

"Why? Because you can't love me like you love them?" Hyunjin cried out, his eyes filled with watery tears, falling along his face.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"You think I didn't notice that for fucking months you took care of Felix and seungmin, hugged them, kissed them, showed them love...and when you turn to me, their is nothing. Nothing. You don't love me like you love them...you hate me! Even before this! It just gives you a fucking reason to yell at me and shame me!" Hyunjin's voice cracked and shamed itself with regret and anger, sadness.

"Then maybe you're right." He didn't mean a single word of it, he was just too angry to realize that this made Hyunjin's heart break apart in a second.

"You fucking...asshole." Hyunjin cried and walked away sobbing, seungmin going after him.

Jisung washed Minho's wound quickly and patted it down all while looking at him with the most worried look.

"What's wrong kitten?" He cupped his face.

"Do you think they'll fix it...?" He was staring at the ground deeply.

"I'm sure of it...changbin's temper tends to cloud his jugement and Hyunjin is too impulsive for his own good...but they'll hey through it, they always do"

"I really hope they do..."

"Why are you so tense, what was your nightmare about baby?"

"I'm not sure...all I hear is a kid screaming...I heard your voice and muttered sounds around me, but I'm in the complete dark...useless...but then their is a single gunshot...and it all goes blank..."

"It's probably just a nightmare, come here" he pulled him on his lap, rubbing his back gently while Jisung sighed deeply.

"It feels so real..."

"It's just a dream..."

Jisung nodded and hid his face close to Minho's neck.

"My dad is coming back in the city soon...what will we do?"

"Don't worry, I've got it all covered. With a little bit of money, it's all it took to convince a few people to side with us...he won't know about...us"

"Good...I love you"

"I love you more."


"He doesn't love me..." Hyunjin cried while he went past street lamps. It was night, the freezing temperatures of the weather freezing the tip of his hair.

He had went for a walk in a random part of the city, it was deserted there.

That was until he heard a pair of footsteps behind him. He picked up his pace without worrying too much until he heard it also quicken behind him. He didn't dare to turn around. He reached to grab his phone but remembered he had left it at his place, so he groaned and only walked faster.

He then froze when he felt a hand on his shoulder, a strong grip. The person behind him cast a shadow over his body, he was still much taller. Hyunjin then widened his eyes and slowly turned around.

They both stood in the cold breeze.

He recognized his face, as clear as day.

skin and bones | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now