[ch:2] 36

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Both Yato and Pierrette could see through each other's lie. They could both feel hatred radiating off of their fake smiles. But the people around them melted in their charming lies and bs.

"Oh trust me darling the pleasure is mine. I am browsing around for something new. Are you familiar with this genre? " He spoke elegantly as his long beautiful fingers traced the spines of the dark cover books.

Yato's prime suspect of the suv car stalkers that followed you and Rin is the newspaper club. The incident that happened this morning was too beneficial for them for that to not be the case.

"I am quite new to this topic myself actually. I am trying to collect some data for my assignment. "

Pierrette could guess the guy on the bike who almost got them caught was Yato. She could only wonder what Yato wants from her. Or how much of her plan he is onto? Did Yato figured out that Rosalita was the one who took creep shots of you in the cafe. And Pierrette send those photos to Lily?

In the end Lily is the one who humiliated and/or hurt you and not her.

Also doesnt Yato hate you? He may have been able to hide this from the world but not from Pierrette's keen eyes.
So why is Yato here....
Wait does this mean---Yato has a crush on the other girl, Rin? No that can't be! Pierrette has eyes everywhere in this school. Yato and Rin don't interact much at all.

Yato and Pierrette sat down on the same table with their respective piles of books. They fed each other beautiful lies with elegance. To others  they looked like models. A couple straight out of a renaissance painting.

Whilst their dark immoral souls continued scheming their disgusting plans.


After hours of talking with that awful woman, Pierrette, Yato confirmed the person in the hoodie stalking you and Rin had to be a member of the newspaper club.
The question that remained though was... if the newspaper club is creating drama out of thin air for articles.

Who is their next target?

"Oh! my sincerest apologizes... Yato... Muzakami..? I believe. Um I didn't mean to collide into you so hastily. " Hart said while pushing up his glasses.
"Oh no it's completely fine sire. Also it's Murakami btw. "
"Ah yes. Mr-- No excuse me where are my manners. What are pronouns"
"He/Him sire. "
"Fantastic. Well if you don't mind me asking, Mr. Yato, where may you be headed to? "

"Towards the theatre club."
"Well isn't this jolly good news! I am headed for the theartre club as well." Hart paused smiling sheepishly. "Though I have to admit. I am quite lost "
Yato reluctantly smiled and agreed to take Hart with him.


"Shit fam my neck hurts. " you woke up and immediately regretted.
"How do we always end up liKe this? " You looked down to find Shizuo still bend over with his head on your breasts, long slender arms wrapped around your waist.
"I don't know why do you like my tits so much? "

"I don't... They are nothing special. " Shizuo pouted,staring into the sunset, still not moving. You expected him to spring up and get all flustered.
"Your face seems to love them a lot. "
"Whatever... dumbass. " He said in a soft husky voice. His amethyst eyes glistened as he tiredly stared at your face. You absent mindedly started tracing the scar on his left eye.

He sat up straight covering his eye from you.
A moment of silence ensued.
"Right your bangs. So if you tie your hair like this-- oop"
You tried to get up but your legs gave out. Shizuo threw his hands out and softened your descend.
"Fuck! My legs feel asleep god... wait wasn't I sitting on your leg this entire time!!? Oh god! Is that thing even alive !"

"I am doing okay. It's fine don't worry about it"
" No no spread your legs and let me sit in the middle.  "
"What?! no! "
"Just do it! "

Shizuo suddenly realized... nothing is covering his eye. You can see his scars. He sat there dreading about questions.
"So... This front eye pieces could be a bit shorter don't you think? "
"W H a t... ?"

Shizuo asked confused as you went on and on about face shapes and hairstyles, hair types, etc.

"Are you not gonna ask about my ugly scarred eyes and forehead?! You have seen it haven't you!? How the scars cover my eye and the area around it. How my scars prevent hair growth in those areas! Which caused me to have split eyebrows and weird looking lashes?! It's an eyesore so don't even pretend you didn't see it! "

This is the most Shizou has said... in ever.

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