[ch:2] 20

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Rin sat in cafeteria, zoned out in her worries as Eunji went on about why she is so special for eating pizza. Rin looked around hoping to see Satoshi but no signs of him. He missed classes today but so did you. Thus Rin assumed Satoshi went into hiding. She called him multiple times but he didn't pick up which worried her greatly. He is usually gaming on his phone when in hiding so there's no chance for him to miss a call unless.... He didn't make it to hiding. You got him.

"When I see a popular pretty girl eating a salad I literally feel like throwing up! Like how can you eat-- "
"Eunji-chan! " Rin stood up startling Eunji out of her rant/brag.
"I will be back in a bit! "
"What about your food?"
"You can have it! " Rin ran out of the cafeteria in search of Satoshi.


The sky is painted into a beautiful red-orange-yellow hue. Few clouds rolled by as an pair of amethyst eyes followed them. Slender pale fingers ran through slicky (h/c) locks. Shizuo finally understood why people liked having pets sleep on their lap. Petting small things while it sleeps is fun and relaxing. Shizou has been doing it for a few hours now yet he isn't bored.

His relaxed gaze snapped open as he heard a pair of very familiar footsteps approach the rooftop door. He wrapped his arm around you and quickly turned from laying on his back to laying on his side. He used his body to hide you from the door.  As the person opened the door. Shizou grabbed his gun and point it behind himself, at the door.

"State your business. "

He used his other free hand -that is currently under your head- to pull you closer and press your ears shut.

"Stay there and don't take a step closer, Murakami. "
Shizou couldnt have Yato see you with him. That could complicate things way too much.
Yato signed.
"Suit yourself. I have a work that--"
"I am off the market you know this Murakami. "
"Oh... So I did hear it right. Given the amount of weapons you carry I would venture to guess otherwise."
"Leave. "
"Dazai it's important--"
"Shizou. Just Shizou. I am not associated with the mafia anymore."

"You are Osamu Dazai's son, one of the best--"
"Listen Murakami. " Shizou growled almost waking you up in the process
"I am just a lazy rich student who plans on doing nothing with his life. That's it. As for my dad.. if you need him call his secretary or something. Why are you here? "

Yato pinched the bridge of his nose. Then sighed deeply.
"You know that's not---..fine. You have always being a nightmare to work with." Yato opened the door and stepped back in.
"I would love to see how long this phase of yours lasts."
As the door closed Yato noticed a brightly coloured pair of shoes. It looked similar to the ones you wore at the party. Yato opened the door again to take a better look. As the door opened a crack bit, Yato came face to face with a gun barrel pointed straight at his eyes.
"You would drop before that door fully opens. "
Yato begrudgingly closed the door as Shizou sighed in relief. He completely forgot about hiding your shoes! He was afraid that Yato already knew about your presence. But given that he came back to check means that is not true.

The interaction with Yato left a bitter taste in Shizou's mind. Yato's words lingered in the air suffocating him. Shizou felt his anger rise by the second. To think he was friends with this miserable bastard before is appalling.

"No I doonnt wanna eat that... dumbass" You mumbled mostly asleep. Shizou become surprised for a moment. Then that melted into a soft smile as he went back to playing with your hair. You are hard to love. But even harder to hate. You are an idiot but there's just something loveable about you.

Shizou could only wonder what happened that lead you to... that point. He thought you are just a dumb, pretty party girl.. with a small brain but a very happy life. Yet there you were today.

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