[ch:3] 4

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Finally you entered the ballroom. That whole -dress up barbie 1800s edition- definitely took years off of your life.

Now it would be a lie to say people noticed you. As literally every pair of eyes in that room was on you. A few gasps floated around the room. It almost felt like you committed a crime of some sort.
Damn, Yuta and your parents really knew how to doll you up.
"Wait is that Satoshi?... Who is that guy next to him.. though"
you squinted your eyes
to take a better look. A chill of unpleasantness ran down your spine.

This guy is the most dead behind the eyes human being you have ever seen

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This guy is the most dead behind the eyes human being you have ever seen. His eyes made him look like a guy who would laugh whilst staring at a corpse. The atmosphere around him felt tense and stuffy. Not stuffy in a good -stuff me daddy kya~- way but in a -dont hug me I am scared- way.

Everyone around him is so stiff and proper. In a way, his aura completely opposed Satoshi's
Shit! He noticed you staring!
You quickly averted your eyes to Yuta. Wait what the fuck is Yuta doing? He is introducing you as his partner but that could mean fucking anything. Did he mean dance partner? You can't dance for sht.

"Good evening Mr. Hiroshima Yagami" Yuta smiled greeting Satoshi's father(?). You internally cringed at that fucking disaster of a name.
"and Mr. Satoshi Yamagi pleased to make your acquaintance again. I have to say I am quite honoured to be able to purchase Dea lucis. It truly of impeccable beauty."
"The pleasure is all mine Mr. Yuta" Hiroshima went on to talk about some pretentious sounding art pieces. They both sound like late night talk show hosts, jerking each other off about nfts. Do they have nfts in this world?

Slowly you zoned the fuck out. Thinking about important things like memes, sex and food.

After a while,
The focus somehow shifted on to you. Hiroshima's eyes on you made you unbelievably uncomfortable. Satoshi looks like he is about to cry. Well he always does look like that but this time it's way more than usual. You suddenly felt so pressured under the weight of all these eyes and that corpse of a man just keeps staring like a hunter--

"I am Gay-- I mean I Hey! F/n Williams. Nice to meet y'all. "

Yeah, you know things had gotten incredibly awkward. And yeah, you are also aware it's your own fucking fault.

But jokes and memes are your armour, your safe space and your weapon. And you really needed saving. So you did what you could which ended in disaster. You wanted to shove your head through the marble floor and disappear like a ostrich.

Yato, impossibly, came in with the save. Conversations started following again as you sighed in relief. As much as Yato terrifies you, he really saved your ass tonight.


"Omg. Was our daughter always this beautiful?! " Mrs. Williams, your mother, sighed dreamily.
"Look at her being surrounded by all these rich influential men." Mr. Williams, your father, giggled like greedy child on Christmas morning.
"Oh imagine if she married them all " your father said. Your mother gasped like she almost came.
" That would make us so rich! "
"So rich! "
"Our stocks would never lose any value."

Hank, your brother, glared at a wall nearby. What the fuck are his parents talking about? Do they have any idea how business works? Of course they don't! His father got so fucking lucky with the Williams corporate yet his incompetent ass somehow managed to almost ruin the company. If it wasn't for Hank, wasting his life away, they wouldn't even be rich enough to get an invitation to a Murakami party

"Hey there.... son--" Your father.
"My dear Hank, why don't you go and maybe flirt with one of the cute boys F/n is surrounded by." Your mother interrupted in, her lips stretching into a greedy grin.
"Preferably the one she rejects "
"Mom no I can't."
"Why? aren't you gay? Go do something! " Your father erupted angrily.

"For the last fuking time I'm aro ace. I gave up my life, working like a slave for this company so I wouldn't have to hear this shit! "

"Yeah no. We are woke. We don't have any problem with you liking dicks or whatever. "
" I mean you will get married one day right? "
"Might as well marry a very rich influenctial man! "
"Look F/n is dancing with one of Murakami boys go grab that Yagami boy. "

"Can you fucking stop? Just stop and think for a second -- a millisecond- before you open your god damn mouth. Hiroshima Yagami is one of the most influential cult leaders if not the most. He has connections, power and devotees beyond anything I have ever known. But of course you have very conveniently forgotten about this very well known fact haven't you"
Hank blurted out. Frustrations pouring out with every word spoken.

"Those countless people that went missing, the brave journalists who were brutally murdered in their houses because they dared to make a honest report on this matter, seems quite convenient you both  forgot all that as well huh? Hank commented, slowly losing his patience and sanity. Talking with his parents is like having a conversation with toddlers

"As we all know nothing has been proven." His father said sheepishly.
"And the evidence that does exist against Hiroshima Yagami is quite weak. " His mother chirped in.
"Besides! If the Yagamis were  the one behind those... Crimes. The justice system would have done something about it right??" She smiled hopefully.
"Yeah don't believe everything you hear Hank!" Hank's father laughed

Hank glared intensely, before slowly simmering down a bit.

"I sacrificed too much. I worked too hard to get us where we are now and I am not letting you fucking ruin that. I m gonna say this as nicely as possible. Stay the fuck away from Yagamis. "
He knew he had to get away before he said something he regrets. Hank walked away, snatching a champagne glass off of a poor server; effectively scaring the shit out of them.

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