Chapter 4: Ilsan

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~No one's POV~


"Guys. I have news. You won't like it." Y/N said as she saw the two boys coming.

"What happened?" They asked together.

"Sit." She gestured to the couch and sat down on the floor. As it was a regular routine, they sat on the couch and she sat on the floor.

She said it helps her stay calm if she sits on the floor.

Y/N began explaining the situation. "Daehyun took the offer from another Mafia gang. We know that. What we don't know, is exactly which gang did they take that offer from. And what did the gang get if we are destroyed? We haven't crossed paths with any gang that could possibly be threatened by us to the point they tried to sabotage us not once but many times."

Everyone nodded. They knew Y/N already had something in her mind, she was just waiting to sort her thoughts.

Y/N continued taking out some pictures. "These are the documents I found in Daehun's computer. Yoongi Oppa hacked it and I know we have all the documents, but some things are ridiculous. Like why would he buy a kindergarten school when he can buy a warehouse much cheaper and bigger? Not to mention the payment was done from an anonymous name, the way every big Mafia Gang does. That means Daehyun was trying to bite a bigger fish than he could chew. And most probably that big fish was given to him by someone else, not his choice."

"How are you so sure?" Jungkook asked.

"Because no one in his right mind would do what he did." Y/N replied.

"What did he do?" Jimin asked, scared.

"As I said, he bought a kindergarten." Y/N gestured to some papers to her left.

Any other person hearing this would think this as some kind of sick joke, but for Y/N nothing was a joke until she laughs. The boys knew she was sorting all the clues in her head so they had to ask questions to get the information in the right order.

"Which kindergarten did they buy?" Jimin asked eyeing the documents.

"Children's Corner, Ilsan." It suddenly made a lot more sense. The four boys gasped.

"Isn't it..." Jungkook trailed off.

Y/N nodded. "Yes, exactly what you are thinking. The place where Kim Family studied. And apparently, the kids have vanished since they left the school. Poof. But the Kim family still rules all over South Korea."

Y/N continued. "And the problem is, they never allowed anyone to buy that place. Not only that place, anything related to them is never sold. Its was always something personal to them, and they didn't even let the watchman get inside. If anything, one of the Kims would go and check whatever needed to be done. It was like a place they worshipped. So why did they let Daehyun buy that place?"

The four boys, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin sat in silence. This newfound information was important, though they couldn't connect the dots just yet.

Y/N spread the documents around her, arranging them in order only she could understand. Sitting between the papers with her knees pulled to her chest she almost looked like a school girl sorting her assignment papers, except that she was a mafia and these were anything but assignments.

"I have never crossed paths with them, and neither did Appa. But now the answers we can find are at the Kindergarten." Y/N said.

"Why there? If Daehyun is dead that means there might be nothing there." Hoseok asked.

"No. If Daehyun bought it that means he has left some of his 'marks' there, like his weapons, documents, or maybe his slaves. He does that everywhere. The six months I was working there taught me he once cut his hand and spilled his own blood around the place when he couldn't find any document appropriate for it. He has this crazy obsession that obviously landed him in jail many times but money helped him out. You really don't wanna know the details." The boys grimaced at the incident.

"If we get a hold on any one of that, we can easily figure out what kimchi they have been cooking in that damned kindergarten." Y/N finished with a secretive smile.

The boys groaned. They knew that look. It was the look she gave when she needed a favour from them which she knew they won't refuse.

"Just say it already." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Y/N smirked.

"Pack up guys. Ilsan is waiting. I'll be back in an hour." She got up and practically skipped back to her room. The boys looked at each other and sighed.

"This girl will never change." Hoseok said, picking up the papers, careful not to mix them up.

"Hyung. She is Y/N. She never changes." Jimin patted Hoseok's shoulder and walked to his room. Soon the other boys also went to their rooms.

They all needed to prepare for this unexpected mission. Obviously not the first time Y/N called them abruptly and announced a mission. But this time no one knew what to expect there. So they all focused on one thing, keep Y/N safe.


~Somewhere else~


Namjoon was sitting at the dining table with his assignments spread around. His hand was writing the solutions but his mind diverted back to the events of the last few days.

He had this weird feeling that something bad is coming.

"Namjoon-ah? Are you okay?" Jin asked him with a worried face.  He was worried the flashbacks might turn serious for Namjoon.

"Hyung, I am feeling weird. Like something is going to happen but I can't point out what." Namjoon put his pen down.

He knew his Hyung can give him the best advice. They were the only ones they could trust now anyway.

"Why? Did you fail in exams?" Jin asked.

"Aniya." Namjoon sighed. Okay, they didn't give the best advice every time.

"What did I miss?" Taehyung skidded to a stop in the kitchen, bumping into Jin as he looked between his two Hyungs figuring out what happened.

"Here." Namjoon made a motion of picking up something from the ground and giving it to Taehyung. "You missed your brain. Now take it and use it." Namjoon snapped at the younger while the latter simply laughed.

Taehyung did a motion of throwing the 'brain' away. "Congrats Hyung, it was your brain."

Namjoon began chasing Taehyung all around the house while Jin kept stopping the two from ruining his carpet.

"If you break anything or ruin the floor I will personally kill you in your sleep!" Jin shouted from the kitchen.

Namjoon and Taehyung paid no heed and simply ran around the house. Taehyung kept his pathway clear so that even if Namjoon chased him he would not break anything.

"Are you two hungry or should I feed your food to the pigs?" Jin asked from the kitchen.

At once Namjoon and Taehyung dropped their game and sat down to gobble up the food. Jin gazed at his brothers in an irritated-but-fond way, capturing the moments in his eyes.

Namjoon took another huge bite of his food when he noticed a car going by their house.

"Aish, Taehyung-ah I told you to close the curtains." Namjoon got up and closed the curtains. It helped him ignore the things going on outside.

He got a glimpse of the car, but it was dark and probably they all had been wearing black as Namjoon couldn't see anything. Neither did he want to.

He had seen something once that haunts him forever.

Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jin ate their food happily joking around, unaware of the trouble that just passed by their house.


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