season 2- Darkness shall rise

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Harumi got adopted by the emperor and I got adopted by the shadow Kingdom.I secretly go to where the serpentine are and see them talking then and Garmadon shows up.One of the serpentine grabs me and throws me to Garmadon's side.I get up and say "Plz dont tell anyone I'm here especially the shadow royals will punish me." Garmadon looks at me and says "why aren't you with the ninja?" I respond "simple they killed your sister and brother in law so I want revenge because the ninja and Wu always take someone I love away from me." He thinks to himself and says" alright.Will you serve me and we can get revenge." I ask "will we hurt lloyd." He responds " I won't hurt him." I then agree to join him.

Soon I look at how Garmadon turned the ninja's bounty to the black bounty.I look in amazement. I sit on the table and hear the snakes questioning why they won't fight the ninja.One then says " Then we destroy Lloyd ." I get up and put a knife to his head yelling " NO ONE WILL KILL MY SOULMATE GOT THAT SNAKE." He bows as I calm down and say "lock him in the brig." Garmadon says "thats why I decided to bring you with me because I know how protective you are of Lloyd." He turn back and says "But by getting rid of Sensei Wu and those pesky ninja,Lloyd will never reach his full potential." I continue " And then he will lose and...he could join the darkness smart idea." The snake asks "um... but why are we flying away?" I respond "simple really we are going to where the weapons were first made the Golden Peaks."

Some hours later,I feel a pain in my chest "ahh my chest." I close my eyes and focus on why my chest hurts. I say " its scales hes going to get Lloyd." I run off the ship and a dragon shows up.I fly away to Lloyd.I get to Lloyd a throw a knife past Scales head.He turns to see me holding a flute as I start playing it making him run away.I turn away and say "I knew you were in danger because soulmates feel pain when the other is in danger.Oh and I working with Garmadon." I walk away and give him a flute saying "use it if he shows up again its the one Pythor stole in the past." I get on Tornada and fly away. I go to Garmadon as the weapons change into one. Garmadon laughs maniacally.

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