the tale on Benthomaar

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I stand outside the door while Bentho told us about his past and how he met me.

past Bentho story

He was being attacked by eels and the King saved him.The King found out he was an orphan so the king took him in.The king treated Bentho as his own son and helped him when he was in danger or needed help. Kalmaar didn't like that Bentho was his adopted brother.He tried his best to get Kalmaar to love him and except him as a brother but it never worked.Bentho was tricked by Kalmaar to helping him get into the Tartarus Trench.Once there Kalmaar says that Bentho isn't his brother and acts mean and like he normally does to Bentho. He found out then that Kalmaar will never love him and the king cared for him.One day he was swimming around after what happened in the Tartarus Trench he and Kalmaar were told to meet royals from another kingdom and they were the king of the Eastern sea Kingdom,Y/n and Stormy. They also had a little brother called Sammy who was adopted by the King.Unlike what Kalmaar does to me,Y/n and Stormy treat him with love because they are loving and caring people who don't show hate towards family or friends unless they have dark intentions.We soon became best of friends but Y/n and Stormy never hung around with Kalmaar because they could sense he had an evil heart.Everytime he asked Y/n to join him for something she always said "I don't want to","Can't you see we are having fun without you" or "No now go away Kalmaar." And one day Kalmaar said that he liked Y/n but she says "I don't love you.I want to find my soulmate and you're not the one so bye." She swam away from Kalmaar with his heart broken.She then disappeared for a few years but did always come to meeting with her father and siblings.Sammy who lets us call him Sam decided he wanted to stay in the Eastern sea Kingdom so he did and Stormy did too.

Now Y/n prospective

Bentho says "Father was the only one who cared for me and now he's gone and I'm alone." I walk in saying "No Bentho." Nya says "We might not be family but I promise you,you're not alone."Jay says "Yeah Bentho we're here." Lloyd says "We can't pick our family but we can pick our friends and I'm proud to call you a friend." I smile at them seeing them treating him better than Kalmaar would.Stormy say "The ninja may not be related to each other by blood but they call themselves family." Nya says "Now let's get to that island and make sure we get the amulet before Kalmaar does." We all agree to it and then we head to the island of the keepers.

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