operation land ho!

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Me and Nya were stuck in a room.I woke up to find I was wearing a bridesmaid dress.I saw the girl walked in them I turned to see Nya was fighting the boys who were making her wear a wedding dress. I see the girl grabbing Nya's head while Nya says "Well,aren't you a sight for sore eyes,Miss No-fun." She makes Nya wear the dress.The boys realise I am awake so they try get me off the bed I was on.I scream at them as they try get me off the bed.The girl gets me off the bed as I screamed.They talk while I sit on the bed.The soon see teh tiger widow vemon so I grab it.We have a fight over it but the girl managed to get it off me. Clancee the serpentine guy gets rid of the vemon. They soon realise where it came from so they cover my mouth.I try use my powers but they then put gloves that can prevent any type of magic or powers to be used.I growl giving up on it.

We stay in the bedroom bored and worried. We then see Jay came for us.We then hear voices so we tell Jay to hide.Nadakhan comes in and says "It is time." Nya pretends to be Delara and talks to Nadakhan while I try get the gloves off.Nya convinced Nadakhan to leave his blade so I give it to Jay then I leave with them.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now