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The ninja are training.The ninja says zane is werid then they get mail.Zane says he has no memory of his family and has no home.Wu says that the monastery is his home.Cole feeds rocky his dragon. Scales says about him controlling a ninja.I spy on scales and sees he is controlling Cole.I tell a bird to get Zane here,the bird listens and leaves.I continue hearing the conversation.I hear lloyd yelling about wanting more booby traps.

The ninja talk about cole's food lat night.The ninja start laughing because of what Zane is wearing. Zane is soon outside and sees the bird I sent to him.I see him looking at Lloyd's base.I hear lloyd say "if I see 1 girl in here,im gonna go ballistic." I yell at Lloyd "I am right here you know."

Zane returns with the ninja.I help lloyd and the snakes.I say "We need to go now lloyd." We get off the tree house as I help the snakes off.I soon see Cole under Scales control.I get on my dragon and play a melody that can control stop a snake's spell for a small amount of time.I try stopping it but Scales grabs me and drags me away with my dragon. I see they were burning the monastery.Tears go down my face as I watch the last place I knew morro was at burning down.Suddenly A storm starts sricking at the snakes as well as it raining.

We leave soon Wu looks around and says " she was here,y/n lost control of her powers making a storm here." The ninja yell at Zane.Soon He leaves when they were going to apologise to him.

The snakes drags lloyd with rope and me and tornada in a metal cage on wheels.I calm down after seeing the monetary burning down and soon fall asleep hugging my dragon.When the general lost he said " I wasn't under Lloyd's control I was scared of the girl she is a part of the devourers and worst part is she is a second in command after one of the leaders.The leaders will hunt us down if we hurt a member of them especially if we hurt the youngest leaders but the 2nd in commands are nice and protective but if you mess with their soulmate oh you better pray you live longer and they have the powers of all serpentine." The other hypnobrai soon laugh with scales because they don't believe the ex general when he is saying at y/n being a member of the devourers because 1.they never trust humans or snakes,2.she would a snake not human and 3. Her dragon isn't a snake dragon.

Then tornada does all the powers of the serpentine but the fangpire one. Tornada gets me and lloyd (and the map) out the tomb attacking the hypnobrai that try stopping her.The ex general says "told you,she can turn into anything because of who bit her,I think one of the youngest leaders bit her years ago." Meanwhile we soon go past the ninja's base and I say "I am staying with you Lloyd don't worry ."

We soon rest for the night and I ask Lloyd "umm can I see your soul mate colour?" He let's me see it,it was green like mine. I take my hood off and I say
"We are soulmate,maybe right now we be friends then see what the future holds for us?" He agrees and we put our hoods up again.

y/n x Lloyd season 1-16Where stories live. Discover now